Prayers for Forgiveness

(Please read our Commentary titled the PRAYERS, All Are In the Qor-aan

as a prelude to the following prayers)

Prayers for Forgiveness

Forgiveness in American Heritage Dictionary is defined as (1) to excuse for a fault or offense, (2) to stop feeling anger or resentment against, and (3) to absolve from payment of.

Forgiveness in common parlance conveys an act, behavior, conduct or dealing by a person wronged who forgoes certain rights created in him by a wrongdoer’s actions, behavior, conduct, dealings, prohibitions or violations.   It is running afoul against certain laws, rules, regulations or societal orders by a wrongdoer that entitles the wronged person or victim to impose a penalty or accept compensation in exchange.   Stated simply, everyone has the right to be not violated and that puts all others under an obligation to acknowledge, honor and respect it by not violating that right.

The essential aspect of forgiveness in the worldly scenarios is that the person adversely affected and victimized has the right to avenge for the wrong done by the wrongdoer.   All societal orders stand sanctified with the authority to take revenge from the wrongdoers based upon the common sense that every victim of a wrongdoing does not have the ability, capability or suitability to enforce the culpability for wrongs done.

Primitive as well as modern governments are empowered to penalize the violators.   Crimes against individuals are recognized as wrongs against the society and avenged by imposing penalty on the criminals.   Penalties in criminal cases entailing capital sentence stretch all the way to forfeiting wrongdoer’s life.    Lesser sentences including banishment, chastisement, exile, incarceration, hard labor and lashing are recognized and imposed based upon various cultures, countries and creeds.   Appropriateness, harshness or severity of a penalty for a crime is not the issue here – since legislatures in civilized world and judges in common law decide that.

Some jurisdictions, laws, religions and societies offer alternatives to the physical punishment being carried on a wrongdoer.   This phenomenon moves the conflict from the arena of a criminal trial to the annuls of civil laws where give-and-take and negotiations settle controversies.   The negotiated settlements determine the amount of damages which then are compensated customarily with some specified cash or in kind that the wrong-doer pays the victim.   One such alternative provided by the Holy Qor-aan (002:179 & 180) as the Law of Compensation or Que-saas is one of the cardinal principle of Islaam.

In spiritual scenario the person wronged by violating fellow human beings right is considered to be a wrong committed against the Creator, the Almighty God.   Naturally the forgiveness must also come from that One and the Only One Almighty.   The forgiveness by the Almighty is not the same as the Clergy of almost every schools and religions dispense, sell and exploit by misleading the wronged and wrongdoers to believe.

Clergy’s declaring one class of people as holy while condemning another huge majority to eternal menial labor as the Untouchables, or lauding a suicide-bomber killing innocents as a martyr entitled to 70 virgins in heavens, or attempted execution of one person as a martyred savior for all sins of all people for all times, are examples of extreme ignoramus.   On the rational and reasonableness basis, few construe those foul acts as the genuine forgiveness from God.

No one can deny the action – the absolute minimums of developing remorseful attitudes, adopting corrective measures and demonstratively taking actions to compensate the victims of one’s wrongs.   But such action when accompanied by personal prayers, sincere supplications and innermost beseeching by using the following prayers provided in the Holy Qor-aan goes a long way.

Some of these prayers are the direct commands by the Almighty God who as the Creator knew best what His creations would forever in future need during their happy or sad times, hours of need or problem, and occasions and opportunities to develop and progress.   Some of these were initially cried out and submitted by the prophets and their followers during their hours of need, distress, sickness, opposition, persecution or other problems that needed miraculous solutions.   Everyone can enjoy the blessings that blossom out as a result of these prayers.   Trillions of Moslems and those not-yet-Moslems have tried these prayers throughout the history of mankind.   I have tried them.   Try them.


  • God, please grant us compassionate forgiveness. Surely You are the One who most often compassionately grants forgiveness and is the most Merciful. 002:129 – Abraham.
  • God of us all, please save us from the punishment of burning in Fire. 002:202 – Pilgrims
  • We have heard and we have obeyed; so please forgive us, God of us all – 002:286 – Prophets and believers.
  • God of us all, please do not punish us if we sin forgetfully or mistakenly. 002:287 – Everyone
  • God please excuse us and forgive us and show us mercy; You are our Best Friend; so please help us against the ungrateful disbelievers. 002:287 – Everyone
  • God of us all, we certainly have believed in You; so please forgive us our sins and save us from the doom o f burning. 003:017 – Men of God
  • God, forgive us our sins and excesses in our affairs, and grant us victory. 003:148 – Believers
  • God of us all, You have not created all this without a purpose. You are Holy. Save us from the doom of burning. 003:192 – Those who remember Allah all the time, standing, sitting and lying.
  • God of us all, anyone You enter in the Fire is definitely You disgraced him, and the unjust have no helpers. 003:193 – Those who remember Allah all the time, standing, sitting and lying.
  • God of us all, please forgive us our sins and deny us bad wraps for our actions and bring us death as the righteous. 003:194 – Those who remember Allah all the time, standing, sitting and lying.
  • I fear the punishment of the awful Day if I disobey my God. 006:016 – You say
  • God of us all, we have wronged ourselves. And unless You forgive us and show us mercy we will be among the losers. 007:024 – Adam and his mate
  • Are You going to destroy us because of what the foolish among us did? This surely was Your test with which You send astray whomever You will and You guide whomever You will. You are our protecting friend. So please forgive us and show us mercy. And You are the Best of the forgivers. 007:156 – Moses and his selection of seventy followers
  • If Allah touches you with a harm, then no one can remove it.  If He decides to bring you a good, then none can repel His blessing with which He reaches such of His servants that He wills.  And He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. 010:108 – God’s Rule – See also 006:018 and 027:063
  • God, I will fall among the losers unless You forgive me and show mercy. 011:048 – Noah
  • Seek His forgiveness; then turn to Him remorsefully. My God accepts prayers. 011:062 – Sualeh
  • Seek forgiveness from your God and turn to him.  Certainly my God is Magnificently Merciful and Extremely Loving. 011:091- You
  • I seek for you the forgiveness of my God, the most Forgiving and Merciful. 012:099 – Joseph
  • Idols have misled many people. So anyone who follows me is of me. And anyone who disobeys me may nevertheless find You the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful. 014:037 – Abraham
  • God of us all, please forgive me, my parents and the believers on the day when the Accounting takes place. 014:042 – Abraham
  • Soon I will seek my God’s forgiveness for you; He has always been very Gracious to me. 019:048 – Abraham
  • There is no God except You – You the Holiest who never errs – I have been doing the wrongs. 021:088 – Zoon-noon
  • God, please forgive us and show us mercy; You are the Most Merciful. 023:110 – Men of God
  • God, please forgive and show mercy and You are the most merciful. 023:119 – You Say
  • Put your faith and trust in the One Living Who never dies.  Glorify Him with His praise and He is sufficient in knowing  His servants’ sins. 025:059 – You say
  • We look forward to our  God forgiving our mistakes since we have been the earliest of the believers. 026:052 – Pharaoh’s court
  • They all (idols and man-made values people worship) are my enemies except the Lord Provident of the universe Who created me and guides me, Who feeds me and gives me water to drink, Who cures me when I fall sick, Who will bring me death then give me life again, and to Whom I look forward to forgive me all my mistakes on the Day of Judgment. 026:078/083 – Abraham
  • God, please do not disgrace the day they (my children and all people) are reincarnated, the day no benefit will come from wealth or children. 026:088/089 – Abraham
  • He who did a wrong and then after the wrong changed for good will find that then I am the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. 027:012 – God’s Rule
  • God, I wronged myself. I surrender along with Solomon to the Almighty Allah, the Lord Provident of the universe. 027:045 – Sa-baa
  • God, I wronged myself; please forgive me.  So We forgave him.  Indeed. He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Prayer to turn a new leaf.) 028:017 – Moses
  • God I killed one of them; so I fear of them killing me. 028:034 – Moses. Prayer confessing the wrongs done and seeking forgiveness.
  • God, please forgive me and give me the gift of a kingdom that won’t suit anyone after me; You surely are the Greatest Giver. 038:036 – Solomon
  • God, please forgive those who repented and followed Your direction and save them from the punishment of hell. 040:008 – Angels
  • You persevere. Allah’s promise is true. Seek forgiveness for your wrongs and glorify your God by thanking Him night and day. 040:056 – God’s Rule
  • Persevere. Allah’s promise is true. You seek forgiveness for your wrongs and glorify your God by thanking Him night and day. 040:057 – God’s Rule
  • God, please make me thank You for your blessings You conferred on me and my parents, and enable me to do good deeds that please You, and make my children righteous for me. I turn to You in repentance and I am among those who have surrendered to You. 046:016 – Everyone
  • God of us all, please forgive us and our brethren in Faith gone ahead of us. And let there be no rancor in our hearts for those who have believed. You indeed are the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. 059:011 – Believers
  • God of us all, please do not let us become the object of experimentation and testing by the disbelievers. And please forgive us, God of us all. You indeed are the Mightiest, the Wisest. 060:006 – Abraham
  • You are holy, God of us all; surely it’s us who have been doing wrong. 068:030 – Believers
  • Hopefully our God will soon change this situation into a better one; to our God we turn. 068:033 – Believers
  • Seek forgiveness from you God Who has always been highly forgiving. 071:011 – Noah
  • God, please forgive me, my parents and all believers who enter my home. 071:027 – Noah
  • God, please forgive me, my parents and whoever enters my household as a believer, and all believing men and women, and do not increase the wrongdoers except in perdition. 071:029 – Noah
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