Prayers for Spouses

                                                         Prayers for Spouses                                                                  for each other or the better-half who has passed away first


Every verse of the Holy Qor-aan is an ocean of blessings. Portions of the Holy Qor-aan containing the following verses are easy to combine as personal prayers for a daily routine. One value in combining them is that one can string these priceless jewels in a necklace and wear.


These verses enumerate the rewards that the Almighty God promises the people specified as the believers, the righteous, the steadfast and the obedient. The guaranteed rewards are the Paradise or peace of mind for one’s soul, self or spouse. The benefits are far too many to count.


The grant of  اَزۡوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ  (uz-waa-joon-mo-tah-ha-ra-toon) stated in 002:026, 003:016 and 004:058 is one benefit mentioned frequently. The first word translated in English can be spouse, associate, friend, and even every near and dear one. The second word translated in English can be chaste, thoroughly cleansed, pious and so on.


The verse 002:026 is a good news for the believers and the doers of righteous deeds that they will get (a) the Paradise with running streams that produce plenteous fruits, (b) the pleasant company of cleansed chaste companions and (c) the perpetual life and existence.


The verses 003:015 to 003:016 list worldly temptations that lure all human beings and then contrast them with the award to the righteous individuals, i.e., the perpetual benefits of (a) the Paradise, (b) the pleasant company of cleansed companions and (c) the pleasure of Allah.


The verse 004:058 is the promise of Almighty Allah to the believers engaged in righteous conduct that He will admit them to the Paradise with running streams to live forever and find pious spouses. In different words this verse essentially repeats what is promised in 002:026.


The verses 026:078 to 026:094 are the prayers by Abraham, peace on him. He counted the Creator’s blessings like healing, hereafter and forgiveness. He then beseeched for control, his legacy, his parents and the righteous. My father used to recite these verses in the nightly prayers.


The verses 041:031 to 041:033 promise the steadfast no fear, no grief, but the Paradise. The angels as friends of the steadfast for life and in the Hereafter are to get them whatever they wish and whatever they pray for as a special gift from the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.


The verses 043:069 to 043:074 are God Almighty’s direct words to the obedient servants telling them not to fear or grieve the Day that others dread to face for their actions in life. Instead they are to enter the Paradise with their spouses and get what they want and what their eyes love.


The verses 088:009 to 088:017 describe how certain pious faces will enjoy the Paradise and other awards which most human beings like, want, wish and crave for in this materialistic life on earth. They are also told of others who will face the consequences for wrongs they did.


The verses 089:028 to 089:031 are the words by which the Almighty God would Himself welcome the return of the fully contented soul to Him. Such soul will be welcome to the eternal life, the company of other blessed people, and the Paradise that God has prepared for them.


The verses 098:008 to 098:009 declare the Believers and the doers of righteous deeds as the Best of All Creation. They are promised (a) the Paradise with under-running streets, (b) the perpetual life and (c) the pleasure of Allah for they had avoided angering Allah.


These personal prayers benefit when a spouse is living. They are tremendous in situations like when my wife for fifty-one-and-one-half years passed away due to cancer. Offer them for any individual you can imagine such as the parents, siblings, children or anyone else.


The Creator clearly counted the common denominator of these verses. The Paradise. The pleasant companions. The perpetual life.


Unfortunately the clergy has narrowed these blessings to mean only spiritually. We refuse to limit the limitless phenomenon of God Almighty’s blessings to our human perceptions — as shown in Commentary titled as the ‘Paradise Blessings — Really or just Spiritually.’


These portions are easy to memorize and use as personal prayers. One can retain, repeat and recite them in the five daily prayers. One can supplicate with them whenever remembering Allah while standing, sitting or lying down on one’s sides 003:192. Their benefits are unending.

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