Prayers For Starting Anything

(Please read our Commentary titled the PRAYERS, All Are In the Qor-aan

as a prelude to the following prayers)


Here are prayers to Exalt The Almighty God and invoke His blessings and guidance before starting anything, any individual, familial, fiscal, professional, social or communal activity. Attorneys before handling a case. Businessman before entering a transaction. Couples before marrying. Doctors before treating a patient. Job-seekers before an interview. Students before taking an exam. Travelers before going a journey. All have experienced great results. After all Allah has said, “When My servants ask you about Me, tell them I am very near” – 002:187.

Allah’s will

  • Praying to Allah, the Only One Worthy of Worship, for power and protection and power that people can’t muster any of it until He wills. 002:256 – Aayatool Koorsi / Everyone
  • Allah, Our God, You are the Master of Sovereignty. You grant the sovereignty (wisdom, power, domain, fiefdom, kingdom) whomever You will. You take away the sovereignty from anyone You will. And You honor whomever You will and You dishonor whomever You will – all with Your Good Hands. You certainly are The Controller on all things. 003:027 – You say
  • If Allah touches with a harm, then no one can rescue you. If He decides to bring you a good, then no one can repel it. He brings it to whichever of His servants He chooses. 010:107- Everyone
  • The Divine Spirit always comes with an order from my God. 017:086 – You say
  • The Real Sovereign is Allah; there is no god except Him, the Most Exalted, the Lord of the Glorious Throne. 023:117 – God’s Rule
  • All thanks are due to Allah Who gave us preference over many others of His believing servants. 027:016 – David and Solomon
  • We believe in this. This truly is from our God. We have already been in a state of total surrender. 028:054 – Believers
  • You run to reach and please Allah. 051:051 – God’s Rule



  • I start with the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. 001:001. Also another 113 times as stated above – Everyone
  • May Allah’s name be with this boat in its sailing and ending its journey – 011:042 – Noah
  • God, please enter me in my affairs with appropriate, equitable, fair, genuine, honest, justified and truthful entries and exit me out of my affairs with appropriate, equitable, fair, genuine, honest, justified and truthful exits; and You Yourself assign me a mighty helping power. 017:081 – You say
  • Call upon Allah or the Most Beneficent, the beautiful names are His. 017:111- You say
  • God of us all, please show us mercy and put us on right track in all our affairs, jobs, tasks and things we do. 018:011 – Cave men
  • Never say ‘I will do this tomorrow’ unless you add ‘if Allah wills.’ 018:024/025 – You say
  • And remember your God if you forgot to do so upfront and say: My God will soon lead me to a way that is closer to the right road than even this. 018:025 – You say.
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