Prayers for wives and childrem

(Please read our Commentary titled the PRAYERS, All Are In the Qor-aan

as a prelude to the following prayers)






            God of Abraham tried him with certain assigned tasks and he competed them.    As a reward he was informed that God was going to appoint him as a leader among the people.    The immediate response by Abraham as given in 002:125 was, “And what about my children?”   God in His Infinite Wisdom granted the prayer impliedly and immediately and added a qualifier.    Those following into his footsteps would the benefit of the grant but not those doing the wrongs.    The incident highlights the human nature to pass on every good thing one gets to his loved ones.    Abraham wanted to pass God’ special reward to his children but knew that human beings do err.    So he invoked God’s mercy and forgiveness for the week who might fail to follow him 014:037.    As the last resort Abraham got even the violators in his progeny share the Grace of the Almighty.


All saints and sages prayed for their wives and children.    God Almighty accepted many of their prayers.    Following are some of them that we all can use.    Whoever visits this site to benefit from these prayers is requested to include our family in their prayers.    May Allah always accept all their prayers offered for themselves, their wives and their progeny; Amen.


  • Thoroughly cleansed associates, mates or spouses. 002:026, 003:016 – Righteous / Believers
  • God of us all, please make us totally surrendered to You and my progeny a nation totally surrendered to You.  And show us our best way to worship You. 002:129 – Abraham.
  • God of all, please raise in our progeny a messenger from among themselves to recite on them Your revelations, and teach them the Book and Wisdom and cleanse them. Surely You are the Mightiest, the Wisest.  002:130 – Abraham
  • I seek refuge in You for her and her progeny from the Satan, the reject.  003:037 – (Holy Mary’s Mom)
  • God, please give me from You Alone a pious progeny; You surely hear the prayers. 003:039 – Zachariah
  • I am old; my wife is barren; how can I get a son? Allah does as He wills. 003:041  – Zachariah
  • How can I get a son when no man has touched me? He said, Allah creates what He wills. 003:048 – Mary
  • God of us all, please send down upon us ample provisions from the heavens becoming a joyous occasion for our predecessors and our successors and a sign from You.  And provide us  directly from You. And You are the Best of the Providers. 005:115 – Jesus
  • God, please save my son who is my family.  Your promise is always true and You are the best of the Judges. 011:046 – Noah
  • God, please make this town a place of peace and save me and my progeny from worshipping idols. 014:036 – Abraham.
  • Idols have misled many people. So anyone who follows me is of me. And anyone who disobeys me may see You the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful. 014:037 – Abraham
  • God of us all, I surely have stationed some of my children in a barren valley close to Your Sacred House so that they may establish the practice of worshiping You.  So please turn the hearts the people to them lovingly and longingly of and provide them the fruits that makes them grateful. 014:038 – Abraham
  • God, thank you for gifting me notwithstanding my old age  two sons Ishmael and Isaac.  Indeed my God is the Hearer of the prayers. 014:040 – Abraham
  • God, make me and my progeny establish the practice of worshiping You; God of us all, please accept my prayers. 014:041 – Abraham
  • On entering one’s valuable asset or harvest and thanking God for the blessings say, “As Allah wills. There is no power except with the grace of Allah; especially if you saw me less than you in property and progeny (chattels and children which are the two biggest blessings of this life).” 018:040  – An idea
  • God, please broaden my mind, make my job easy, grant me eloquence so people can understand me, assign me a helper from within my family,  my brother Aaron, and strengthen me with him and join him in my mission so we both may extol You a lot and remember You a lot. 020:026-036 – Moses
  • God, please do not leave me alone and You are the Best of the inheritors. 021:090 – Zachariah
  • God, please make our spouses and children an apple of the eye and make us a model-leader for the righteous. 025:075 – Men of God
  • God, please grant me the gift of a righteous son. 037:101- Abraham
  • God of us all, please enter them  in the Gardens of Eternity that You had   promised them and also those of their fathers, spouses and children who mended their ways. You certainly are the Mightiest, the Wisest. 040:009 – Angels
  • God, please enable me to thank for Your blessings that You conferred on me and my parents and to act righteously so it pleases You. And improve for me my progeny. I have turned to You in repentance. And I am among those who have surrendered to You. 046:016 – Everyone
  • God, please forgive me, my parents and whoever enters my household as a believer, and all believing men and women, and do not increase the wrongdoers except in perdition. 071:029 – Noah
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