Prophecy about Aviation

Prophecy about Aviation

Nuclear Energy, Wi-Fi etc foretold 33 yrs before Christ was put on Cross

I have heard frequently that ‘No more interpretation of the Holy Qor-aan is possible as all of it had been done and completed by’ the Eighth Century AD. Such fallacies have been repeatedly demolished by eminent translators like Mirza Mahmood Ahmed, r.a. Forecasts in the verses of the Holy Qor-aan have proved true by streaming examples. We see those Rules of Universal Application all over in science, medicine, technology and every branch of human endeavor.

Suez and Panama canals have linked oceans. Huge ships plow through seas like floating mountains. Molten metal, radiation, poisonous gases and Nuclear bombs have destroyed life in a big way. Fast transportations facilitate ordinary travel. Many modern inventions were not even dreamt of by the said 8th Century. The Holy Qor-aan warned man of many catastrophes. Mullah nevertheless fabricated self-serving theories, orchestrated ignorance and thrust it upon Man.

Several verses of the Holy Qor-aan are interpreted as the forecasts of coming events. A Prophet or Messenger of Allah is called a Nabee (060:013) in the Arabic.  The root ا ب ن   expresses giving advance information of a coming event (003:016). A pinpointed application of a forecast to a past event is easy but at best is just an example. Really the events in future will keep occurring and illustrating prophesied divine revelations – again and again in many shapes.

Jesus son of Mary was also inspired to forecast a Sign. It was to occur with the Almighty God’s permission [بِاِذۡنِ اللّٰهِ‌‌  = Bay-iz-nillah = per plan of Allah]. At that time many people didn’t visualize a miraculous sign that could change the whole world. A sign is a manifestation, corroboration, evidence, indication, portent, proof, revelation or token (003:050). Such a Sign did happen and led man to a new kind of life.

The sign Jesus forecast was about things which no man before him knew. It told that he through his followers would create things that by then had not even been imagined. It talked of the future , and centuries later the inventions in every walk of life impacted Mankind. Advances in knowledge have tremendously benefitted man everywhere. Knowledge, aviation, transport and communications have changed the way people lived before, live now and will live in future.

The Sign [called “quite incomprehensible” by M Muhammad Ali] had several parts. In its first part Jesus son of Mary was going to do the following.

  • He was [and his followers in the future were] going to [اَخۡلُقُ = Ukh-lo-qo =Design] bring into being, create and fashion SOMETHING …
  • From [مِّنَ = May-na…(ut) = From] the class, category, count, kind, persons or out of …
  • The Earthen Materials [الطِّيۡنِ = Tee-nay = Earth] including clay, dust, earth, minerals and other raw materials used to change, mold or make fabric, plastic and things that would receive an impress …
  • Which would Look Like [كَهَیْـــَٔةِ = Ka-hai-aa-tay = Resemble], be identical and similar to and have the form, figure, appearance and shape of …
  • A Bird [الطَّيۡرِ = Tai-ray = a creature] that could take off, fly and land with wings spread out. But the birds have life and energy that continually replenishes with blood that runs through their bodies, but man-made things don’t have life.
  • So the energy [  فَاَنۡفُخُ فِيۡهِ = Un-fo-kho-fee-hay = I will breathe into it] was to come from blowing, inserting or putting in a new spirit or source that man at that time neither knew nor like his breath could see or touch. Centuries later man harnessed Earthen Materials. As of today we get energy from oil, electricity, nuclear, water, sun, wind and many And who knows what will be the form or sources of energy tomorrow.
  • Now we see that lifeless creature energized, take off, fly and land with its wings spread out like a bird. The use or abuse of inventions like airplanes, missiles, satellites, flying computers or drones depends upon Man. He can swiftly reach moon, safely fly faster than sound, or drop atom bombs as he did in 1945 over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The second part of that Sign also changed the life of man forever.

  • Today blind can see, lepers get cured, and to see a plague or small-pox patient a rarity. Reduced infancy mortality and elimination of many formerly fatal diseases is daily life. Disease knowledge, researched drugs and healing stories are too many to tell here.
  • I heard of a report in a medical journal. A man was drowned in Mississippi river. Over 1/2 hour later his body was recovered. Found and pronounced dead he was taken to the morgue and put on a table. The attendant went to run some errand and closed the morgue door behind. About 30 minutes later when the morgue door was opened, the dead-man was found sitting on the table. Later scientific determination was that the closed door of the morgue with a lot of oxygen had rejuvenated his body that start the breathing.
  • Similar revivals after years of comas and stupors are part of the medical literature today.

The third part of the sign among other possibilities is reflected in the modern innovations of computers, wireless operations and remote-controlled Wi-Fi orchestration. The access to hidden secrets and private affairs is available without too many limitations. Kinds of food, eating habits and accumulated statistical data is being used for constructive and opposite purposes. The Chip, forensic technology and spying through installed audio-video bugs are a routine — for industrial espionage and national and international good or nefarious goals.

All above was not known to Man when Jesus was born. But Man following his birth did invent things which have changed his life forever.



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