Prophecy about mischief

Prophecy about Mischief

The Holy Qor-aan verse 002:061 mentioned Moses asking God for water. He was told to strike his stick on stone. Twelve springs of water sprang up and everyone knew their source of water. The progeny of twelve sons of Jacob were told to eat and drink from what God had provided and just by two words directed them not to spread mischief in the world. Contained in the two words was a prophecy about mischief the Israelites would repeat again and again and a forecast that they and other nations would keep gaining supremacy in the world affairs and then falling.

The two words تَعۡثَوۡا (tau-thao) and مُفۡسِدِيۡنَ (moof-se-deen) put together in one verse gave information about future and illustrated the richness of the Arabic language. The permutations and combinations of different shades of meanings and concepts of these two words compound dozens of possible meanings, translations and extrapolations detailed below.

Initially, the Israelites were told not to spread mischief. The Holy Qor-an recounts several special favors God conferred on them notwithstanding their repeated misconducts that led to their downfalls; read essay Jews Moslems Alike 002:046. The world history shows the number of times the Jewish community rose to power, then collapsed by committing excesses in violation of the divine rules spelled out in Torah, and rose again in fulfilling this forecast.

The Moslems were also subject to the same prophecy. The Holy Qor-aan assured them that going forward they too would gain power and after gaining supremacy like Israelites would fall. Moslem have provided repeated examples of this phenomenon of rise and fall in Spain, Mesopotamia, India, Far East and now in the Middle East.

In fact Mankind was provided the same divine rules of universal application by prior scriptures. Following those rules raised empires but their committing mischief embodied in the meanings of مُفۡسِدِيۡنَ (moof-se-deen) and flouting the rules ruined them fast. Then another downtrodden community practiced the rules, rose to power until the power got into their heads and they nose-dived into destruction. The Holy Qor-aan in perfecting the Creator’s message to man reiterated that such cycle of rise and fall will continue forever as it happened in the past.

The word تَعۡثَوۡا (tau-thao) carries about five among other varying shades of its principal meanings to ‘spread out, become widespread; emerge; fan out all around, and go forth.’ The placement of the word لَا (laa) meaning ‘don’t’ before it and making it a prohibition implies the forecast that the addressees have been (a) set to ‘spread out’ (b) but are stopped from doing that in the manner as described in the adjective مُفۡسِدِيۡنَ that follows it.

The word مُفۡسِدِيۡنَ (moof-se-deen) expresses about twenty different shades of its primary meanings that include the following. Bad. Breaking peace. Corrupt. Causing, committing, multiplying and spreading disorder and evil. Causing ruin. Committing inequities. Creating law and order situations. Disruption developers. Inciting some people to violate others. Law breakers. Meddling with the matters adversely affecting others regardless of a benefit to the perpetrators. Messing up others’ affairs. Mischief makers. Mischief mongers. Practicing cruel, harsh, ruthless and evil acts. Spoilers of peaceful and settled conditions. Shattering peace by starting and fanning out wars and restlessness in the world around. Spreading evil, disorder, mischief and wickedness with crimes, lies, illusions and misrepresentations. And all of the above are the meanings of just one word.

Clearly all nations are (a) endowed with the potential, (b) afforded with the opportunity, (c) empowered with appropriate wherewithal and (d) provided a pretty good chance to reach the zenith of their civilizations in the human village. Hence the warning to them that going forward they must not succumb to the lures and temptations encompassed in one single word مُفۡسِدِيۡنَ (moof-se-deen) or they too would fall like others did in the past in fulfillment of the prophecy in those two words.


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