Qor-aan, Islam and Mohammed Relationship

Islam, Qor-aan, Mohammad s.a.w and their mutual relationship is often misunderstood by those who are not Moslems and even by many Moslems. Comprehending correct relationship between these three components appropriately by placing them in proper perspective is a must to end any confusion that a serious students of Islam may have.

Mohammad s.a.w was a human being but sent as a Messenger to all people (007:159, 014:002, 034:029) . He was of the progeny of Abraham – the Excellent Exemplar (060:005) and the Great Prophet who came before the coming down of (003:066) Torah that led to Judaism and Bible that led to Christianity. Each of these two men Abraham and Mohammad (peace on them) were born of one man and his wife, ate food, married, procreated, prayed (see our Commentary Prayers) for things they and the people at large needed. Both died like human beings do.

The Holy Qor-aan is the collection (075:018) of revelations of God’s words (026:193, 056:081, 069:044). It was sent down piecemeal (025:033). The Arch-angel Gabriel brought it under God’s decree and inspired into the heart, mind and soul of Prophet Mohammad s.a.w (002:098, 026:194) who verbalized it (069:041 and 081:020).

The Holy Qor-aan stated the name of Holy Prophet Mohammad s.a.w four times (003:145, 033:041, 047:003, 048-030) but laid down hundreds of Commandments to addressees in ‘2nd person’ starting with the wordقُلۡ (qool = see our Commentary “You say means) or ending with the pronoun كَ (ka = you single male – 002:005). The singular ‘primary’ addressee in ‘2nd person’ is generally translated as “O Muhammad” s.a.w since he received the Holy Qor-aan, represented all humans as their Universal Leader, was blessed with the Apex of Prophet-hood (033:041), and was an Excellent Model, the Best Exemplar (033:022).

The scope of the Holy Qor-aan is very broad. It was revealed for all people (010:003, 014:002). By ‘proxy’ its Commandments apply to every Moslem and ‘reader’ who seriously try to understand, practice and preach this Divine Message. The caveat to remember is that the Holy Qor-aan will remain well-guarded (015:010) as a wholly saved template (085:023) that offers a generous reading (056:078) in a fully preserved Book (056:079) that none touch (= learn and benefits by practicing) except (those who are or seek becoming) the Cleansed (056: 080).

Islam is the religion – the Spiritual Code and the Way of Life – comprised of teachings laid down in the Holy Qor-aan. It is the perfection of the Religion just as God pleased (005:004), the ensemble in one Book of Commandments and Prohibitions, rules and regulations which spelled out conducts which are either preferable or under specified circumstances detestable. The Holy Prophet s.a.w as the Best Exemplar set up precedents by (a) personal practices (Sunnah) of what the Holy Qor-aan provided and (b) quotations (Ahaadeeth) to guide where no situation had yet arisen to implement a course of action. This total embodiment of the Divine rules is Islam, the real way for humans to live as chosen by their Creator (003:020) Who won’t accept any other life-style (003:086). Islam literally means ‘surrender’ to God’s will and ‘peace’ by practicing its principles which a person develops inwardly and dispenses to those around him outwardly.

The site trueteachingsofislam.com is devoted to calling towards Islam (041:034). The figures in parenthesis refer to the chapter and verse numbers. See Commentary The Beginning.

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