Qor-aan – Spiritual Guidance Book

The Holy Qor-aan – Spiritual Guidance Book

The Holy Qor-aan is the Book of divine rules for spiritual guidance. It is the eternal Code that God designed for man and includes that was revealed to earlier prophets. The reason to reveal only part of the Code to every prior prophet was man’s still-evolving intellect. Each prophet was entrusted with what man then could comprehend regarding the spiritual matters. And upon the human intellect evolving fully the whole Code was given to the Holy Prophet s.a.w. All divine rules are consolidated and condensed in the perfected Book (005:004), the Holy Qor-aan. No surprise that “The Holy Qor-aan – The Most Read Book In The World” enlightens man’s soul.

The Holy Qor-aan is the single source for supplying all human needs of past, present and the future. It repeats rules of universal application and always shows the results of following or flouting them. Its principal concerns indisputably are the spiritual aspects as explained in the Notes under 021:113. But a spiritual guidance is incomplete if it fails to shed light on how man is to live his life on earth. It tells of birth, marriage, divorce, inheritance, society, governance and coexistence in a balance. It makes man visualize characteristics of being good or bad to prepare him for his life in hereafter. Plenty of promises about the Paradise and warnings about the Hell are to keep us on the right road. Good people find all good things they can think of covered in it, exemplified by the Best Exemplars Abraham was Best exemplar (060:005) – See Commentary titled as Abraham was not an idolater. Mohammed s.a.w was the Best Exemplar (033:022) – see Qor-aan, Islam and Mohammed relationship.

The contents of the Holy Qor-aan intend to elevate man spiritually to reach the Almighty God. The Qor-aan is not a history book although it has narrated events to show how divine rules applied. It reports Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed as excellent models of spirituality. It describes the extremes of good and bad to highlight that the middle course is the best for man. It offers prayers to beseech for divine solution to thousands of the needs that man has all the time. It lays down personal, familial and fiscal Commandments and Prohibitions for best human village. It describes what humanism is by giving account of rewards, punishments, nations and prophets. It’s no collection of forecasts but the future keeps materializing that really is for spiritual purposes. It fills believers with physical examples of Scriptures’ spiritual content.

Any materialization of a spiritual content essentially is like the rear-view mirror images a driver sees in a passing moment. The use and utility of the mirror continues until it ends with a breaking or loss of its functionality. All earlier Scriptures were dated but the Holy Qor-aan is for all men (014:002) for all times ahead. That is why man will keep seeing events illustrating some content of the Holy Qor-aan continually. The translators who saw the images as the seers have described them by numerous phraseologies. Some articulated their visions as the true meanings of a verse but others simply added explanation. Most of them honestly admitted that they had just conjectured about the true meanings of a verse. Example: Malik Ghulam Farid re (081:024) wrote, ‘It may mean that…Holy Prophet saw himself.’ Example: Maulana Muhammad Ali said (082:006), ‘Gathering…wild animals seems a prophecy.’ Example: N J Dawood guessed that the (083:020) ‘Is probably related to El Elion in…Old Testament.’ Example: Dr Khan added to the (021:109) “I give you notice (of war as) to be known to us all alike.” See Commentary The Holy Qor-aan – Examples illustrating its Content.

Many verses of the Holy Qor-aan begin with the words اِذَا (ezaa) or وَاِذَا (wa ezaa). They are generally translated with the words any time or event, now that, when or whenever. These words almost invariably imply the meanings of has, has been, have been, is or will be. What is conveyed by the context is the time of the physical happening or material occurrence. It could be to bring or call to mind, recall or think of an event which happened in the past. Or, it could be to show right there some fact to be seen, observed or witnessed in the present. Or, that could be to forecast a prophecy about a phenomenon that will happen in the future. Or, it could tell that two or more of those periods will show physical examples of the content.

The Holy Qor-aan has named several natural elements including the sun, moon, stars, sky and earth. Most earlier verses cited them as witnesses because the naked human eye could see them easily. The concept regarding the good or bad that led to the paradise or hell let man see the importance. Majority of the translators concur that its content drew the attention of man to spiritual realities. Some have clearly differed in their translations from the Arabic words to the English equivalents. But personal choice of words in extrapolation never reduced or diluted the spiritual values set up. The consistency to convey the intent in the original text has remained the hallmark of translations. Most translations that attempted to accentuate or minimize the impact of content did in good faith. Even an unfortunate intentional mistranslation of the Holy Qor-aan still upheld its spiritual aspects. A critic, disbeliever, hypocrite or opponent who alleged a fault could do that only in a translation. The Holy Qor-aan itself indicated that in the subject-matters of verses like 002:027, 002:062, etc. Indeed the Almighty God revealed the Holy Qor-aan and forever guaranteed its safety (015:010). Its content warns like a buoy of dangers lurking ahead and gives its reader what he is looking for. Nothing of its contents has ever been or will ever be Abrogated, canceled or minimized.

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