Qor-aan, The Most Read Book

The Holy Qor-aan – The Most Read Book In The World

  1. The revelation of the Holy Qor-aan was started with “Read with the name of your God” (096:002) to benefit the whole mankind. Teaching “with the pen” and the prayer “add to my knowledge” (020:115) foretold the future about to unfold. The reading and writing accelerated multiplying knowledge exponentially. It doubled all prior human knowledge every 25 years.
  1. The Holy Qor-aan for the last 1500 years has been read in almost every country by a large majority of Moslems at least once in their lifetimes. Millions in the last 15 centuries committed the whole of it to their memory and recited all of it every week. 1.7 billion Moslems in the world today are taught since childhood to read some part of it daily, and many of them do that.
  1. The Holy Qor-aan has been translated wholly in several languages and in parts in almost every language spoken on the globe. Records, cassettes, audios, videos and electronic devices play its reading and recitation daily in almost every country. Billions of teachers and students have discussed and dissected its teachings in mudrassas, schools and Universities in the world.
  1. In Trillions of disputes, cases and controversies the judges and jurists, and in academic situation the academia and critics, have interpreted and extrapolated its Commandments and Prohibitions in all kinds of legal and social issues, spiritual and temporal environments, personal and familial matters. That fact alone makes the Holy Qor-aan the most read Book in the world.
  1. The Holy Qor-aan illustrates from the natural phenomenon around us that God Almighty created them for a purpose and not in vain (003:192), providing rules of universal application to benefit and not harm man. Sun shines and warms; light travels in straight line; gravity pulls; and all of us whether believers or not are bound to abide by and subject to live with those realities.
  1. The Holy Qor-aan guides all people (014:002), teaches all that is best for mankind, and resolves all situations (017:090) for all times in the past, present and future. It gives the factual account of historical events and exhorts man to learn from them for history always repeats itself.
  1. The Holy Qor-aan describes the precedents of those gone by (002:141). It prepares man today to benefit from the best and avoid all the rest. It enumerates every element of humanism in man’s personal, familial and social life. It repeats teachings and historical narrations in different scenarios lighting them up from all sides as if under the floodlights from several angles.
  1. The Holy Qor-aan is the vehicle. God Almighty has set man for a ride on his evolution trajectory where he will eventually reach as destined. It is in Arabic language (041:004) where some words have 20 different meanings. Man is endowed with the ease to learn it (054:018). He has the flexibility to interpret reasonably, but not to exceed that inappropriately (054:004).
  1. The Holy Qor-aan states the truth but empowers man to make choices and equips him with the intellect to draw conclusions for himself and evolve the right road for his human village. History shows total failure of those succumbing to absurdities, falsehoods or poor judgments, or attempting to limit, twist or circumvent its teachings to any locality, community or timeframe.
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