Repetitions in Qor-aan have benefits

Repetitions in the Holy Qor-aan have benefits

The revelation of the Holy Qor-aan started with the word  اِقۡرَاۡ  that meant “You Read” (096:002). It was foretold to be a Book that the Lord God of the Universe had revealed (o56:081), written down in black and white (052:003), in a secure document form (085 023), would be read again and again (056:078), understood well (043:004), preserved (056:079), touched only by the pious (056:080 ) and guaranteed to be protected by the Almighty God who had revealed (015:010) it. The Holy Qor-aan consists of words, words written down. No wonder Words Matter.

Several parts of the verses were revealed repeatedly in different contexts for the obvious benefits. The part وَمَا اللّٰهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعۡمَلُوۡنَ [wa-mul-laa-ho-bay-ghaa-fay-lin-um-maa-tau-ma-loon]  meaning “And Allah is not unmindful of all that you do” was revealed as a part of verses that include 002:075, 002:086, 002:141 and 002:150.  Then the last word تَعۡمَلُوۡنَ (tau-ma-loon) meaning “you” was substituted with the word يَعۡمَلُوۡنَ‏  (yau-ma-loon) meaning “they” in the verses including 002:145.  The cumulative effect is that you and all others must know that Allah watches everything everywhere all the time and nothing is ever hidden from Him and He has definite reasons why a thing is happening in a certain way.

Sometimes the same exact words used in different set-ups convey different shades of a concept and to translate them with one meaning despite changed underlying scenarios is not right. The Holy Qor-aan illustrates this phenomenon repeatedly. The same last five words in verses 002:134 and 002:137 mean differently. The verse 002:134 is an advice and a wish that Abraham and later Jacob gave to their sons centuries before the advent of Islam telling them to remain ‘submissive’ to God’ – not as the adherents of a religion that was not there. The verse 002:137 is a Command addressed to a reader of the Holy Qor-aan after the advent of Islam clearly telling to ‘be a Moslem’ as an adherent of Islam.

A very similar situation is stated in the words   صِّرَاطَ  and  مُسۡتَقِيۡمَ .  Those words are used in the verse 001:006 as man’s prayer to be put on the proper path and shown the right road.  Those words are repeated in the verse 002:143 and 006:040 as God’s gift to anyone He chooses by putting him on the proper path or showing him the right road.”

The repetition in the Holy Qor-aan of words, phrases and even concepts some of which overlap, cover or are linked with other issues have distinct benefits. They by repeating again and again create a clearer, deeper impression on readers’ minds. They facilitate their readers to translate them correctly for a better understanding of them. They produce vivid pictures of the teachings described in them by their frequent repetition. They cause instant recollection of the prior precedents in relevant situations and scenarios. They lead to a far fuller comprehension of entire surroundings, not just the instant context. They help to memorize the content and enable the memorizer to practice that at all times. They enable a researcher to see others’ conclusions about them to evaluate the real impact. They prepare the reader to face and deal with similar facts but with other considerations. They bring to their readers the spirituality they can’t find in any publication anywhere else. They create fresh ideas to coup with harsh realities of life.

Similarly at least five following sets of words in verse 002:141 have appeared in other verses. Some words and phrases just reiterated the events and teachings provided elsewhere. Some conveyed different shades of a concept like being under floodlights of a different color. Some illuminated another side of the object not shown earlier in the light that came from a single angle. But put together they all show that Repetitions in the Holy Qor-aan have benefits.
The first 2 words (starting with ( اَمۡ ) are repeats in verse 002:081.
The 9 words (starting with ( اِبۡرٰهٖمَ ) are repeats in verse 002:137.
The 3 words (starting with ( هُوۡدًا ) are repeats in verses 002:112 and 002:136
The 4 words (starting with ( وَمَنۡ ) are repeats in verse 002:115.
The last 7 words (starting with (وَمَا اللّٰهُ) are repeats in the verses 002:075, 002:086, 002:150, etc.

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