Reply – Jesus – Pervaiz

From: Abid Buttar      On       10/12/2020 at 6:17 PM                       To: Pervaiz Buttar

Dear Pervaiz,                                                                                                                                              Us Salaam O Alaikoom.

Ref your recent post on Face Book quoting the numbering of some verses.

The numbering of verses in several Translations on the market differ particularly in those works where a translator had visibly copied, duplicated or improved upon an earlier translation in some European language. Following are some examples.

  1. Abdullah Yusuf Ali arbitrarily divided into two (2) parts what several other translation works show as verse #1 of Chap 5. Then he assigned each part as verse #1 and #2. Thus his numbering of the next 122 verses is ‘1’ more than given in other works.
  1. M Muhammad Ali arbitrarily divided into two (2) parts what several other translation works show as #173 of Chap 5. Then he assigned each part as verses #173 and #174. So his verse numbering from #174 onwards is ‘1’ more than given in other works.
  1. Several translators arbitrarily cut up last part of verse #4 of Chap 3 and added it as the first part of verse #5 as pointed out in Note 003:005 detailed at
  1. M Zafrulla Khan and many others preceding and following him added Bismillahirrahmanirraheemas verse #1 in 113 Soorah correctly so as shown in Thus except for the Soora-Taubah #9, the numbering of verses is ‘1’ more than given in other works.


 Pervaiz Buttar

‘The best of the world’s women was Mary’, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and the Quran mentions Mary more than any other holy book.

Jesus brought the scripture, the Quran 19:30, his immaculate birth recorded at 19:17-21, 19:19-21 and 3:59-60, and message at 3:48 and 13:63-64 and, miracles at 3:46 and 3:49.

His crucifixion is described in the Quran at 4:157-158 and finally his return at 43:61 in following contextualised words:

‘And (Jesus’ descent to earth) shall be known sign for the coming of the Hour, (being the Day of Judgment)’.

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