Tag Archives: Prayers

Islam – 104 – The 5 Acts of worship – Pillars of Islam

ISLAM – 104 The 5 Acts of worships or pillars of Islam   Verse 002:004 lays out three of the five Acts of worships – also called the pillars of Islam. The Holy Qor-aan mandates other worships elsewhere, often repeating them … Continue reading

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Praying for others

(Please read our Commentary titled the PRAYERS, All Are In the Qor-aan as a prelude to the following prayers) PRAYING  FOR  OTHERS  The 110:001 starts with God’s names, counts the blessings of God’s help, victory and increasing numbers of followers … Continue reading

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Prayers to protect from evil

Prayer to protect from evil The 113:001 starts with God’s names and urges man to seek His protection from evil of all kinds. He made everything and can unmake it. He tears apart things when He wills. He can protect … Continue reading

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Whispering – Prayer to protect from The 114:001 starts with God’s names and urges man to seek His protection from the evil of whispering – gossips, idle talks, innuendos, secrets, whispers and all kinds of he-said, they-said, you-said and I-said. … Continue reading

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Prayers For Starting Anything

(Please read our Commentary titled the PRAYERS, All Are In the Qor-aan as a prelude to the following prayers) PRAYERS FOR STARTING ANYTHING Here are prayers to Exalt The Almighty God and invoke His blessings and guidance before starting anything, … Continue reading

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089:026 to 031

Continued from 089:018 to 025 (===) The Holy Qor-aan                                          089:026                                    فَيَوۡمَٮِٕذٍ لَّا يُعَذِّبُ عَذَابَهٗۤ اَحَدٌ ۙ‏                 Fa-yao-ma-e-zin-laa-yo-uz-zay-bo-azaa-ba-hoo-aa-hud                 So that … Continue reading

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096:001 to 020

The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                096:001 to 020 Verses of the Holy Qor-aan are quoted on this site with the numbers, the first set of three being the number of Soorah (Chapter) followed by the last set of three being the number … Continue reading

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114:001 to 007

The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                    114:001 to 007 Verses of the Holy Qor-aan are quoted on this site with the numbers, the first set of three being the number of Soorah (Chapter) followed by the last set of three being the number … Continue reading

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113:001 to 006

The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                   113:001 to 006 Verses of the Holy Qor-aan are quoted on this site with the numbers, the first set of three being the number of Soorah (Chapter) followed by the last set of three being the number … Continue reading

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Abraham was not an Idolater

Abraham was not an idolater The Holy Qor-aan established that Abraham was not an idolater (002:136, 003:068, 006:162) and repeated that differently – 006:079/080. It conferred the title of Best Exemplars on two prophets (Abraham p.o.h and Mohammed s.a.w) and … Continue reading

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