The Key To Peace


The Key to Peace

See our Commentary titled as Islaam – 303 – Jihad is no road to Peace which is the hub-post and refers to about a dozen other Commentaries related to different aspects of Jihad.

Why welfare?    Why worry about the poor, have-not’s, under-privileged?    What connection has the fending for the needy got with the peace or security?    How is feeding hungry, eliminating aid, suppressing malaria or taking care of those who can’t take care of themselves thousands of miles away affect the peace, security, safety of the people living far away?

Today almost every country in the world has or is building huge military, except for the few clipped by the Surrender Treaties like Germany and Japan who depend upon foreigners to put bases in them for their protection and safety.    Animal lovers have convinced game hunters to use bullets that sedate, tranquilize and anesthetize wild or zoo-escaping animals.    Militarized police, however, is issued bullets like enemy-hunting boots-on-ground to ensure an immediate kill before a first responder can reach to deliver first aid.    This disease is no more confined to developing countries.    Fully developed countries in Europe and Americas are also infected.

Nations are spending humongous portion of their annual budgets to beef up their armies and even militarizing their domestic police departments with armored cars, bullet-proof gears, and tanks to control their own people.    From super-powers to other wan-bees all are wasting year after year trillions of dollars worth of sources to expand their nuclear arsenal, strengthen air armadas and drones, enlarge inter-continental missiles build-ups, extend navies and territorial water limits, training spies and killers, and developing other means to destroy enemy lives.    And who cares for the collateral damage anyway.    See images of towns where ISIS has played havoc.

Russia justified annexing or expanding controls on others territories like Afghanistan and Ukrine.    USA justified to democratize Iraq and Libya.    Israel justified dazzling Palestinians to buy their lands until their Grand Moofti issued Futwa that they had no right to sell the land that belonged to their trust.    ISIS justifies terrorizing anyone they can catch to multiply recruitment.    North Korea and Iran wish to aggrandize their leaders.    Chile, India or Pakistan wish to stay in mad race in case their national security or economic development or religion is threatened.    We can go on and on counting land-mines put against peace to settle in.  But the Key to world peace we already have.   World Peace Through Law is achievable by practicing fair and equitable laws.

Call me the utopian idealistic who lives in the land of imagination and not the real world.    But where would be any justification for all above IF man had followed one simple Command?   The verse 002:178 of the Holy Qor-aan had provided an anti-dote way ahead of the times today.   The Commandment in a brief sentence had told mankind what to do.    It exhorted the spending of wealth by the bread-winners in a society who have the wealth. It pointed the areas in which the less-fortunate have-nots must be helped and taken care of.    It was implemented by the Holy Prophet s.a.w by launching several social welfare services.    His successor caliph considered it critically important to continue the programs at any cost.    He went to war against Moslems to continue those services with a regular income stream.    It led the human village to develop plans and programs to establish peace from its top to toe.    It proved to be the key to the prosperity and success of ordinary people anywhere in world.    It became a fulfilled prophecy that governments will use their resources to make citizens prosper.   It is a fundamental function of any civilized nation today to fend for its vulnerable populace.    It still benefits the weakest, the poorest, the helpless and the most vulnerable in the society.    It includes following among other similar categories.

  • Relatives         Trusts and tryst and a whole big area of law and banking built around.
  • Orphans          Departments of welfare to look after anyone who can’t fend for himself.
  • Wayfarers       Commerce, transportation, infrastructure and travelers needs.
  • Petitioners      Clergy, charity-collectors and donation-extortionists.
  • Captives          Criminal justice system and laws for those yoked in economic slavery.
  • Man in street  But not the Wall Street, banking, insurance and other parasites.

The cancers in the humanity in the form of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism or any other schism would not have even grown if this one Commandment had been in place.    Most of such communal ills which sprouted in the past 3 centuries can still be set to reverse.    What we must do is what this Commandment told mankind to do nearly 14 centuries ago.    After all this is the Guidance that the Creator knew was the best for His creatures to pursue.    I’m sure one day man will put this Command into practice and get all the good God planned.   Sadly by that time we alive today may not be there to reap its benefits but our progenies will.    All required for us to do right now is that we plant this tree of implementing this Command.    Future generations will bear the fruit and be grateful for what their mothers and fathers did.  Otherwise man will go on fighting cold and hot anti-drug, anti-gun and anti-terrorism wars.    All the foreign aids of arms, munitions and propaganda fanning agitation can’t give peace.   A continued avoidance to act on this Commandment guarantees an insecure world of wars.    Wasting trillions of dollars worth spent in fighting all kinds of wars cannot bring real peace.    Investing a faction of it in education health, economic development and infrastructures will.    The lasting benefits we all must seek.

I wish we could travel again by road in PEACE through the Middle East as it was in 1965 to 1967.    I still cherish those travels we did three times between England and Pakistan all in real total peace.    I drove 1st time 8000+ miles, in all hours of the day and night, in snowy mountains to hot deserts.    I drove with my wife, once with 3 ladies of her family and once with our 2 kids under 2 year-old.    We traveled in PEACE . See Commentary Travelogue 11 state the following.

“Peaceful, enjoyable, care-free, hearty welcome we got in all places we stayed even as we knew no local language.  The beautiful cities, hotels and restaurants were sheer joy to enter and order food, not from their menus but from the little pictures of poultry and beef we carried in our pocket.  The experiences with the people of the countries on the way during those travels and the memories they left us are so very pleasant and precious that I find few words to describe them.  We traveled with no fear, no anxieties, no danger of any kind.  We felt safe and enjoyed PEACE.  We witnessed PEACE wherever we went, passed thru or stayed.  We miss that pleasant PEACE.  Mankind has the Key to PEACE provided in the Holy Qor-aan 002:178 but they have not used it.  We wish that PEACE settles in soon.”

            I know Man Can And One Day Will Have PEACE again though I wish it was in my life when I could take my grand-children for such an educational wonderful experience as I had fifty years ago.

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