The Paradise

The Paradise


The Holy Qor-aan uses many words that are often translated in just The Paradise. This site aims to translate each word to convey the distinctive meanings the original text envisions.


The singular generic word for a garden is جَنَّة (Junna). The Holy Qor-aan uses this word among others in the verses 002:266, 002:267, 003:134 and 026:086.

  1. The verse 002:266 likens the donation for God’s pleasure to a garden on high plateau.
  2. The verse 002:267 warns a miser of his valued orchard burning down by fiery winds.
  3. The verse 003:134 urges to ask for pardon and a paradise wider than heaven and earth.
  4. The verse 026:086 is a prayer by a supplicant to inherit a garden that is blessed.


In Arabic the placement of الۡ (Ul / Al) before a common noun converts it into a proper noun pointing to only one specific object. Thus the word جَنَّة  (garden) if preceded by الۡ turns it into الۡجَـنَّةَ (Ul-jun-na-ty) which in instant case means the one specific garden, the Paradise.


The word  الۡجَـنَّةَ (Ul-jun-na-tay) is a singular noun for The Paradise, The Garden, The Heavens, or The Orchard. The Holy Qor-aan frequently uses this word among others in the verses 002:083, 002:112, 002:215, 026:091, 043:071. 043:073 and 081:014.


The plural of the above singular noun is جَنّٰتٍ  (Jun-naa-tin). We translated it as the Gardens of Paradise. The reason is that Gardens in Paradise will mean the gardens located inside the Paradise but much wider and expansive is the scope to translate the word as the gardens of the type in the Paradise that can be located anywhere.


All righteous persons are promised these Gardens because of what they do in this mortal world. The Holy Qor-aan uses this word among others in verses 002:026, 003:016, 003:137 and 098:009.

  1. The verse 002:026 assures the believers who do good deeds that these gardens will be their perpetual residence wherein they will find their spouses thoroughly cleansed.
  2. The verse 003:016 ensures the righteous persons that with their God are the gardens wherein they will find thoroughly cleansed spouses as well as the pleasure of Allah.
  3. The verses 003:136 and 003:137 guarantee real repentant humans that their rewards will be the forgiveness from the Almighty God and these gardens as Eternal Abode.
  4. The verses 098:008 and 098:009 promise the believers who do good that they are the Cream of Creatures and will live in the gardens where the Almighty Allah and they will be pleased with each other.


The Paradise is a place of immense beauty, peace and tranquility which is beyond the comprehension of earthly human mind. It means a big grove, coppice, thicket or the Garden of ultimate and everlasting greenery. The righteous persons are promised eternal residence in it.


The Paradise is intended to be the ultimate reward for the addressees for good works in this life. Its use in the plural indicates that they are of more than one kind, layer and ranks which are already in place. They are collectively called the Paradise.


The description of a location on very fertile ground is added in the extrapolations of all above words which in varying degrees refer to the Paradise.

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