The Polygamy

The Polygamy


The continuation of life or procreation occurs when cohabitation establishes conjugal relationship between a man and a women. Marriage is the public ceremonial celebration which initiates the process that the world recognizes as kosher and the legal way to produce legitimate children. Most scriptures have spelled out cautions, controls and conditions for this process.

The Holy Qor-aan has also elaborately covered the marriage in several verses. Marriage is exhorted but circumscribed with allowances and restrictions — one of which is polygamy.

The first limitation imposed is in the verse 002:222 stating that “you men do not marry idolatresses until they believe.” Women have also been commanded similarly.

The next element provided is in the verse 004:004 stating that “If you fear you can’t or won’t be fair to, in dealing with, or regarding the orphans, then marry.”

The next qualification prescribed is in the verse 004:004 stating that marry “who among the women has appealed to you.” The Holy Prophet s.a.w is reported to have said that the best woman to marry is “One who loves you a lot and delivers many babies” and “You pick one who is righteous” whereas “most men seek only beauty, progeny and wealth.” 

The prohibition proscribing polygamy is in the verse 004:004 stating that if you fear that you won’t remain just and fair then only one, and that is closer to your not crossing the line.

There is no unconditional carte blanche permission for polygamy. However, the clergy translated verse 004:004 to promote polygamy. Wikipedia shows photographs of Moslem leaders who kept many wives at the same time.

Not that the royal harems of kings with untold number of wives needed a justification in the religion. And procreating successors to throne was not the only reason.

But the clergy construed every possible permutation and combination in the meanings to expand the permission to re-marry. Mullah-spread unlimited practice of polygamy is popular and rampant. History shows that Moslem clergy served the caliphs, chief and kings to enjoy taking more than one wives, both simultaneously as well as successively.

The nature created one man to be with one woman to produce children. As the Biblical Book of Genesis states, “Cain and Abel were the first the first two son of Adam and Eve.” And then the life continued. That is the rule. The exception is the polygamy.

The verse 004:013 giving rules of inheritance shows a scenario of multiple wives. The Note 004:004 is one explanation of the circumstances that entail limited polygamy. The verse 004:004 clearly shows the following.


Section I

The three words مَثۡنٰى وَثُلٰثَ وَرُبٰعَ‌  (= A second time and third time and fourth time) clarify the stages or reasons to implement the Command to marry. Man must a find a woman …

  1. Who attracts him and appeals to him,
  2. Who holds his attention,
  3. Who leads him to bear a conviction that she is the one he wants, wishes, dreams and is prepared to woo her and live with her for the rest of his life, and
  4. Who is willing to be the mother of his future children by marrying him

Does the verse 004:004 allow to marry repetitively again and again by waiting for the death, divorce or disease of a current wife to get back to have four wives?

Does the verse state the number of times a man can take a second, third or fourth wife?  Do the words imply turns allowing a 2nd, 3rd and 4th wife in rank or turn?  Do the words show order or sequence like the 2nd, 3rd and 4th king or caliph?  Do they permit multiplicity such as a teacher during my college days said that they allow taking two two, three three and four four wives in one go. Anyone can answer these questions according to his conscience, but everyone knows what the common sense dictates.

The first element or the controlling clause of the verse 004:004 is the interest of orphans. That is the starting point of this section. Wars, epidemics, famines and similar catastrophes can  increase the number of orphans. The rich in a civilized society should take care of the orphans and not let them roam around.

The interests of orphans includes their food, clothing, shelter and what their bodies need.

The interests of orphans can also include management of their lands and operation of their businesses if their parents had left behind any of them.

The interests of orphans involve their education, vocational training and providing them mentors and role models. All such activities tax time, talent and till of a guardian of the orphan.

The interests of orphans are what generally the women are better equipped to tend.

Taking care of the interests of orphans can create situations that make the remarriage a necessity. Status of men with means may get magnified. Female workers may be hired to look after the young orphans better. Female orphans may grow up to become irresistible temptations. Attractive female teenager’s aggressive ways may ignite mutual infatuation. Many reasons can initiate the frozen-fat-near-warmth-will-melt phenomenon.

The second element or the controlled clause of the verse is the command to marry

The third element is to marry the right woman. He has to marry a woman. She must pleases him. It can be his first marriage. Good marriage means a husband continually wooing his wife. Modern life needs and rights to spousal pension-benefits, retirement accounts and medical insurances have pioneered, permitted and promoted civil unions that though labeled as same-sex marriages are man-made situation that cannot procreate life or simulate it to benefit orphans.

The fourth element is that the marriage must be a rational decision after a man has found an appealing woman. A second look to think hard, a third look to be sure, and a final fourth to reach the belief that she is the right person should lead to marriage. This key to the successful marriage works also in the arranged marriages in segregated societies where the spouses meet for the first time after marriage.

Illegal, illicit and immoral relations seldom stay secret and most cultures frown upon them. Islam spurs man to pursue his ultimate goal to avoid angering Allah. No wonder the valve of controlled and limited multiple marriages is provided to let out the pressure. But the provision was not for the Clergy to promote Harems among or successors to their overlords.


Section II

            The remarrying allowance is limited. The clause  فَاِنۡ خِفۡتُمۡ اَلَّا تَعۡدِلُوۡا فَوَاحِدَةً  (= Then if you fear that you can’t be just or remain fair) permits polygamy but highly restrictively. The limited, narrow and tight situation permission has been translated, interpreted and extrapolated to create a justification to take many wives at a time. The spirit of the Commandment is flouted by none other than those who could do so.

Modern times have shown some changes. Pakistani Law in 1961 curtailed polygamy by requiring a written permission from a current wife to allow husband to take another wife. Similar provisions have been codified in Egypt and some other Moslem jurisdictions.


Section III

            The clause اَوۡ مَا مَلَـكَتۡ اَيۡمَانُكُمۡ‌   has been interpreted by the Clergy and several translators to inject in Islam another vice, the slavery. See our Commentary The Slavery.

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