Tr – Azam Ali, an Ahmadi Moslem – Ch 01 – Allah’s Name

Azam Ali, an Ahmadi Moslem

Chapter 01 – Allah’s name

Allah’s Name adds blessings  

Abba Ji remembered Allah all the time. All my life I saw him invoke God’s blessings before starting any plan, project or preparation. He always began as stated in the Holy Qor-aan.

   Bay  iss-may  il-laa-hay  ir-rah-maa-nay  ir-ra-hee-m  سُوۡرَةُ الفَاتِحَة  – Ch: 001, Verse 001        With the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.                  001:001

He invariably started everything with a prayer. He urged everyone who came close to him to set clear goals, make definite plans, do their best, and leave the rest to God. He kept repeating prayers while doing his work. He was the role model of what he talked and taught.

He said that beseeching for divine guidance helped anyone to reach his goals better, faster, surer. I saw far better fruits of hard work done after prayers compared to those of similar efforts without invoking the support of Allah to bless their plan.

Special prayers

Abba Ji worshipped the way Moslems have been mandated (See Commentary 5 Acts of worships or pillars of Islam) all his life without ever missing out on any. Even when traveling or sick he offered the five (5) daily prayers.

He became renowned for his special prayers offered before beginning his daily chores, whenever they became necessary, and for anyone who requested. He wholeheartedly believed in such prayer (Doaa) as his most important tool with which he sought the help of Allah.

The Holy Qor-aan, Soonnah and Hadeeth all concur that Allah Almighty appreciates and accepts congregational prayers more than any solitary prayer. His methodology was to just emulate the Holy Prophet s.a.w. as best as he could in doing everything in his life.

Sometime his prayers were totally silent, and his thought went into communion with God. Another time he spoke the words aloud so that those around him or praying with him felt the experience. The meanings of every word of prayer came out of the core of his heart.

He would announce that he was about to start such a prayer. He invited all around him to join him in praying. He raised his hands to his face and offered a prayer that according to his knowledge of the Holy Qor-aan and Hadeeth was most suitable for the occasion.

I heard that a hospital sent home a little girl because they deemed her incurable. Her parents came for prayers to my father who said, “If Allah cures the child, you will accept the rightful claim of the Promised Messiah, p.o.h..” They agreed. Father led a prayer his way. The girl started recovering/ Her whole family became Ahmadis. She lived a long life.

Beginning of the prayers

            My father also urged others who asked for prayers for their personal problems and reaped requested results. Everyone every day has to enter in or exit from untold number of situations. He believed it was best to have the divine will at one’s back for support.

             Rub-bay  ud-khil  nee  mood-kha-la  sid-qin                                                                                     Wa  ukh-rij  nee  mookh-ra-ja  sid-qin                                                                                               Wa  uj-ul  nee  min  la-doon  ka  sool-taa-nun  na-see-raa                                                                                                                                        سُوۡرَةُ بنیٓ اسرآئیل / الإسرَاءCh:017, Verse 081

            My God! (please) enter me with the entry of a Truthful person                                 And exit me out with the exit of a Truthful person.                                                        And set up for me a mighty strong support that always helps.      017:081

It is impossible to write down the rich galore of all his success stories. I have narrated a few. His prayers proved that invoking God’s mercy at the earliest planning stages of one’s ventures and continued remembrance of God materializes superior consequences of all efforts.

Allah’s Name before every prayer

In June 1957 I came home after finishing law school. In the evening I went to where Ahmadis offered prayers congregationally for the Mughrib. (See Commentary 5 Acts of worships or pillars of Islam). Before the prayer I was asked to call out the Azan which I did. After the prayer I returned home. Father entered the house a few minutes later.

Abba Ji told me that Abdul Majeed Khan r.u.h, was a retired District Magistrate who was impressed by my Azan. He had inquired about the caller of azan, me. He told the informant that when Abba Ji arrived, he should ask Abba Ji to see the Khan after the prayers. They met and Mr. Khan told my father that he would like to marry his granddaughter to me.

Abba Ji’s first response was Let us do Istikhara – pray to God Almighty for guidance. Mr. Khan said that he had already prayed for that purpose during the Mughrib and had received a clear indication to go-ahead. Father asked me to give him one of my photographs to send to England to show to my future wife and her parents who lived there. I had been betrothed.

A western mind may consider it odd that Mr. Khan meeting a 22-year-old for the first time ever would betroth his granddaughter to him. But one must know is his background shared by Father’s belief in God Almighty’s will in guiding them to follow the Commandment.

            Wa  laa  toon-kay-hoo  l-moosh-ray-ke-na  hut-ta  yoe-may-noo                                              Wa  la  ub-doon  moe-may-noon  khair-roon  min                                                                          Moosh-ray-kin  wa  ao  au-ja-ba  koom                     سُوۡرَةُ البَقَرَة  – Ch: 002, Verse 222

            And do not marry idolaters until they believe.                                                                 A slave believing man is better from                                                                                     A free idolater even if he pleased you very much.                             002:222

The Khan as a District Magistrate, albeit Retired, had made decisions quickly when he saw facts warranted one. He followed the Hadeeth (See Note 002:222) in what he saw in me.

  • Dutifulness to God, by coming for congregational prayers the very day I came home.
  • Connections, because of my superb ancestry as the son of Abba Ji who was a Judge.
  • Asset, of good education for one of the top professions with bright economic prospects.
  • Physical attraction, reflected in my physique, personality and the way I gave azan.
  • Possibility that this marriage could bring back to Pakistan his only son who was driven away to settle in England due to the 1953 Anti-Ahmadiyya riots.

God Almighty had guided all players towards the future.  He knew what was best for all of us. At that time no human being knew for sure that eight (8) years later I would be married to Azra H Khan and blessed with a magnificent family of wonderfully educated four (4) children of whom three (3) would have spouses and procreate 9 grandchildren. My wife and I enjoyed a truly blessed life for over 52 years before her Transition to the Other Life.

Power of Prayer

Abb Ji used the power of prayer to his advantage. It enabled him to invest his best effort in every pursuit. He beat every competitor in the field and harvested far superior outcomes from his endeavors. All his life he kept producing example after example of this phenomenon.

He had built a huge reservoir of prayers. For every human action he probably knew a prayer. He knew many prayers for some needs like the recovery from sickness. One prayer he offered and taught from the Holy Qor-aan is what everyone all the time needs: travelling.

Some travel every day to work, play or for millions of other daily chores. Some ride a cart, cycle, rikshaw, car, taxi, train, boat, ship or plane. Anyone can start his journey with this brief prayer. The prayer hardly takes a second or two, but the benefits are far reaching.

Bay  iss-may  il-laa-hay  muj-re  haa  wa-moor-saa  haa    سُوۡرَةُ هُود   –  Ch: 011, Verse 042  With Allah’s name may this (vehicle) run and return.                                 011:042

When I was writing this I remembered. In March 1965 I was driving with an Sikh a VW Beetle on a very steep road on a mountain 5000+ft high in Erzurum, Turkey. Near evening it started snowing. I tried to reach a town a couple of miles ahead, instead of turning back to a town we left about 10 miles behind. Snow started accumulating. Driving uphill got worse and gradually slowed us down. Finally, the car did not go any further and then started sliding back. Breaking made the skidding faster. Attempts to back into the mountain on my left side failed.

The panic in those few seconds of total helplessness triggered praying to God Almighty and suddenly the car stopped with a big thud. We got out and saw our right rear wheel blocked by a single stone about a foot high at the edge of the road. An inch or two away from that position would have meant our dive into a valley thousands of feet deep. Then I would not be writing this. Thanks to my father who had trained us to pray, not just in distress, but in happiness too.

Results of prayers

Father’s lifetime practice of taking Allah’s name of Allah before starting and invoking His blessings at every step was in my view the single most significant factor that pushed him ahead the most, turned him into an achiever, and made him an inspiring story of success.

His prayers proved effective. Everyone was impressed. It is not that all his prayers resulted exactly as he wanted. But most results showed up from a short time to sometime years and were always far superior to what would have been without the prayers.

Years later and for a long time, every morning he saw me off going to the courts as an Attorney after he had led the prayers for me the same way as he used to do when he himself went to the court as a Judge. And frankly based upon the results of his judgeship and my practicing law, I can say positively that those few moments spent in the prayers were the single most productive investment of time we ever made.

I learnt these prayers from my Father. I have used them an untold number of times. I cannot even tell how many times in my life I benefited by following Abba Ji by praying as he did and taught us or suffered because of a momentary lapse in forgetting to pray this way.

His words matched his actions

My father did what he said. H practiced day and night what he preached. His practices reflected his beliefs. He used his method like a cookie-cutter. I heard it from those who asked him for prayers. He used his approach with intent to produce results. Results proved him right. He was a living example that praying before and during any venture benefits.

       Lay  maa  ta-qoo-loo-na  maa  laa  tuf-a-loon     سُوۡرَةُ الصَّف-   –  Ch: 061, Verse 003                   Why should you say what you don’t do.                                           061:003

His fellow judges, lawyers that practiced law in his courts for nearly 35 years in about 20 cities where he was posted, his family, his relatives and his friends, all concurred that his acts matched his words. His words never contradicted his actions. He lived his life that way.

We his children grew up seeing him practice that mandate of the Holy Qor-aan. He was unique because I never met another man whose words and acts were so congruent, for so long, on every occasion, in every situation.

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