

The Holy Qor-aan has used the word Truth at several places, in several contexts, for several situations and with several meanings including the following.

Accuracy.  Actuality.  Appropriate.  Conforming to knowledge.  Facts and factuality.  Faith and faithfulness.  Genuineness.  Honest and honesty.  Integrity.  Justification.  Legitimate. Loyalty.  Perfect. Proper.  Reality and realness. Real state of affairs.  Right and rightful.  Rightfulness.  Sincere.  Suitable.  Truthfulness.  Veracity.

Some interpreters have extended the word to also mean ‘The religion of the Unity Of God’, and the ‘Divine Book, Code or Scripture’ and the Holy Qor-aan.

Some places in the Holy Qor-aan that have used the Arabic word اَلۡحَـقُّ for Truth

002:043        002:072        002:110        002:148        003:004        003:061        003:063

013:018         013: 020        031:10          031:034         064:004       103:004


The Holy Qor-aan has also used the word         meaning ‘The Truth’ and its derivative صَـٰدِقِينَ  meaning those ‘who practice, preach, profess, say or speak the truth’ at several places, in several contexts, for several situations and with several meanings including the following.

010:049           021:039           027:072           034:030           036:049           067:026

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