Woman’s role in Evolution

Evolution, Woman’s Role in

The Creator created humans. He made man a hunter, a provider, a defender and equipped him with the muscular strength to accomplish those goals. He also knew what Adam had and what he lacked. He then completed the human by giving Eve to Adam and gifting her with the abilities necessary to burden her with birthing, feeding and looking after her wards from birth to burial. He made her tender, loving, physically weaker than man and yet the mainstay of human evolution by performing important functions spanning whole human life.

Like a programmer knows what program he has put in the software he has developed, the Almighty knew what He had created. So He told us to look around and see for ourselves (003:192). It’s the mother – or whoever does that job – who loves, feeds, dresses, educates, trains, inculcates the same in her boys and girls for the rest of their lives, and sends them as men and women members to form human society. Primary responsibility to sow and grow the seeds of physical, spiritual and moral values, and at least rudimentary understanding about medical, legal and financial matters has always rested on mothers. Most children do what they see their parents do, not merely what they say.

The mothers who follow the 7 cardinal steps invariably raise children who carry and reflect those values for the rest of their life. Only woman was chosen for this fundamental task of nurturing and multiplying mankind. Woman’s fundamental role to make or mar human society was interestingly shown on December 21, 2014 in a CNN broadcast by Christiana Amanpour. Some cleric was quoted with an illustration that Satin lured Eve to become a god by eating the apple it gave her. She took a bite. She gave it to Adam to eat it. And since then Man has not stopped trying to be a god rather than stay as a human being which the Almighty God had created him to be.

Woman is prone to fall to man’s brute strength and neighbors-green-grass-attraction for what she does not have. Her biggest distraction from, and threat to, her carrying out the assigned responsibilities has been Man doing man’s job. Man is imposed with the obligation to desist from seducing, forcing, luring, coercing or depriving woman in any which way. Man has been made duty-bound and to assist, cooperate and facilitate her performing her prime function in human Evolution. God knew He had created man the real weak one and woman the real strong one to build human race. That’s why He spelled out in the Holy Qor-aan the following seven solemn pledges to enable her to fulfill the purpose of life as the best daughter, sister, wife and mother and thus raise pillars of a peaceful prosperous human village.
1. She would never associate partners to God.
2. She would never steal.
3. She would never fornicate.
4. She would never destroy her children.
5. She would never fabricate allegations involving moral turpitude.
6. She would never disregard God’s guidance conveyed by His messenger (060:013).
7. She would never violate the rights of “Men made binding on her” (004:035).

These pledges are tantamount to psychological determination like “I have made up my mind” to do this or that. They confer no right on any man or government to penalize violating these pledges like the Taliban publicly shooting an Afghan woman in the head or the so-called honor-killing practiced in some Moslem countries. Violating these seven rules whether pledged or not have their own consequences under the Divine Laws of Universal Application. Law of Nature is Survival Of the Fittest and Woman was made that way. How many women ruin themselves, leave little behind in progeny to talk about, or contribute anything at all to the human Evolution? Can’t we see women following these rules and raise successful humans?

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