
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                      002:003


ذٰ لِكَ الۡڪِتٰبُ لَا رَيۡبَۛۚۖ فِيۡهِۛۚ هُدًى لِّلۡمُتَّقِيۡنَۙؕ




This is the Book … No doubt … in it … Guidance for the Righteous


  • ذٰلِكَ — Zaa-lay-k…(ul) — All this (= Here; right in here)
  • الۡڪِتٰبُ — Kay-taa-bo — The Book (= 1. The Divine Directive of Commandments and Prohibitions. The Holy Scripture. The Testament that holds good and is operative eternally. The Decreed part of a religion. The Holy Direction of Divine Commands, Rules and Regulations. The Spiritual Code codifying the rules of universal application. 2. The Collection of mandated, ordered, prescribed, preserved, recorded or written do’s and don’ts. 3. Authentic penned down material in black & white) *

The phrase with the next four words also appears in verse 004:088

  •  لَا– Laa — No (= Absolutely not; no; never)
  • رَيۡبَۛ — Rai-ba — Doubt * (= Inadequacy; element of dispute; lacking; suspicion; something that is incomplete)
  • فِىۡ  — Fee — In (=  (= Amidst or inside something concerning; for the sake of; in reference to; pursuant to; regarding; relative to))
  • هِۛ — Hay — It * (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Ref is to the Book, the Direction)
  •  هُدًى– Ho-dun…(l) — Guidance (= Direction; guide; measure of judging things appropriately;pointer to the right road, proper path, or straight line; the way of life that the Creator chose for all He created.  See our Commentary Islam – 101)
  • لِّلۡ  — Lil –F or  (= For benefiting those who are, intend, pursue or try to be 
  • مُتَّقِيۡنَ — Moot-ta-qee-n — The righteous (= n., Avoid angering Allah. The pious. See Commentary titled as The Righteous for more meanings) 

* Note 002:003. Our Commentary Punctuations and Vowels shows how disregarding a punctuation alters the essence, message and result of a written communication.   To understand a message it is essential to abide by a punctuation indicating where to pause.   The two clauses ‘No doubt’ and ‘In it’ in this verse have punctuations for specific purposes.   It is imperative to know the effect of such punctuations for anyone who translates a scripture.   All translators, interpreters or extrapolators must follow them to translate the verse correctly.   Connecting such punctuations with antecedent clause or precedent clause changes meanings.   How big can the difference be is best illustrated by taking the same words in two sentences.   Relocating the coma in Stop, not let go and Stop not, let go produces the opposite meanings.   Moving the coma ahead one word and reading it by pausing there makes a huge difference.   It would be okay if it stays at a scholarly difference but that is not shown in Moslem history.   Conflicts don’t arise if the Holy Qor-aan is read correctly by following the punctuations.  See The Holy Qor-aan and Different Translations.

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