Islam -101

ISLAM – 101


The Holy Qor-aan established Islam. Its secure (085 023) written words can’t be changed since it sender Almighty God guaranteed its protection (015:010). Its clear, concise and correct message for humans also needs no change (Commentary Repetitions in the Holy Qor-aan have benefits). No doubt the evolving nature of man both friends and foes have attempted to change its crux in so many ways but as foretold by it have failed and will always fail.

Islam is a word that its mention makes some people wild with devotion or frenzy which is difficult to control, explain or justify.   The Holy Qor-aan in its verses 003:020 and 003:086 has called this religion as الۡاِسۡلَامُ (Ul-Isslaam).   That Book was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed s.a.w by messages that Angel Gabriel brought.   It was like God’s messages sent to Moses in the form of Torah and to Jesus as contained in Bible.   The revelation of the Holy Qor-aan started when he s.a.w was 40 and lived in the town Makkah.   The revelations went on for 10 years in Makkah and the last 13 in Madina where he had migrated.   The Holy Qor-aan calls the believers in Islam as Moslems, Followers, Obedient, Worshipers, etc.

The westernization including that by some Moslems have transliterated this Arabic word to sound so bizarre.   The first syllable ISS of Islam is spelled in such a way that it is pronounced as IZ.   The second syllable LAAM of Islam is spelled in such a way that it is pronounced as in bat, cat or sat.   The accurate pronunciation of the first syllable demanded that it be spelled as in the words bliss, hiss, kiss and miss.   Even on Morning shows (Last Sunday of November 2015) the word MOSLEM was repeatedly pronounced as MUZ-LIM.   Why so much emphasis to spell the words correctly?   Because presently this site can only show the correct pronunciation of a word in print.   Phonetically accurate pronunciation requires that the word is transliterated as Isslaam [the first syllable as ISS like it is in the words brass, class, bliss, hiss. kiss and miss, and the second as LAAM like it is in the words hard, fall, hall].

The Arabic root  س ل م (Seen Laam Meem) carries inherently the meanings of peace.   It is similar to the Hebrew word ‘shalom’.   One noun from the said root is Salaam meaning peace.   The word Salaam when pre-fixed with the Arabic alphabets Alif and Laam became Al-Islam and meant The Religion of Peace, The Peaceful Life-Style or The way to provide peace and live with peace.   Ul-Islam or Al-Islam is commonly abbreviated as Islam. This site has interchangeably used all spellings (Isslaam, Islaam, Islam, Al-Islam and Ul-Islam) due to the following reasons.
a) The need to correctly spell Isslaam for its phonetically accurate pronunciation.
b) The need to enable an on-line research on Islam for the content on this site.
c) The need to provide the exact quotes with spellings different from American English.

The Holy Qor-aan has 30 Parts (each also called a Jooz or Separa) with 114 Chapters (each called a Soorah with a specific name).   In its about 6,340 verses of commandments, prohibitions, historical narrations, comprehensive teachings, reasons and arguments it has provided guidance that cumulatively is called the الۡاِسۡلَامُ (Ul-Isslaam).  It fundamentally is a lifestyle that the Creator knew would suit Mankind the best.   It revolves around the concept of the Unity of God, personified in one word Allah.

BELIEFS required by Islam are that in order to be a Moslem one must believe (See verses 002:178 and 002:286) as follows.

  1. Belief in Allah.
  2. Belief in the Angels.
  3. Belief in His Messengers (Prophets)
  4. Belief in the Books (Scriptures) He has sent.
  5. Belief in the Latter Day (Resurrection or Judgment)

Some sects have added Divine Preordainments (See the Translation of verse 064:012 by  M Mohsin Khan and M Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali have added) as the 6th Mandatory Beliefs.

It covers every aspect of human life including the following. Character.   Children.   Charity.   Commandments.   Compensations.   Conduct.   Conflicts (of laws, nations and religious doctrines).   Crime and punishment.   Defense.   Democracy.   Divorce.   Drinking.   Education.   Forgiveness.   Gambling.   Giving.   Gods.   Happiness.   History.   Honesty.   Houses of worship.   Infidels.   Immigration.   Inheritance.   Integrity.   Law of war (Jihad and the right of private defense).   Law of Personal Relationships including detailed rights and obligation of spouses, child-raising, even the unborn.   Laws of property, inheritance and distribution.   Leadership.   Leniency.   Lying.   Marriage.  Media.   Minorities.   Modern Inventions.   Mosques.   Nations.   Obligations.   Orphans.   Peace.   Poor.   Prayers.   Prohibitions.   Prophecies.   Prophets (from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Hood, Lot, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and others).   Religions.   Sacrifice.   Satan.   Science.   Sick.   Society.   Statesmanship.   Tribal system. Truth.  Unity of God.   Vices.   War.   Women.

WORSHIPS (see our Commentary titled as “Islam – 104 – 5 Acts of worships or pillars of Islam“) are as follows.
1. Professing belief by the word of mouth expressed all the time.
2. Praying at least five times daily.
3. Paying as charity a part of the earnings received whether daily, weekly or monthly.
4. Properly fasting for one lunar month in every year.
5. Performing Hujj at least once in a lifetime

Some sects have added Jihad as the 6th Mandatory Worship

The Holy Prophet s.a.w is reported to have said that ‘The Difference of Opinion in my followers will ensure them a lasting life.’   Difference of opinion sprang up within minutes after his demise and resulted in electing his 1st Caliph.   That difference in opinion contributed in the subsequent murders of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Caliph in Isslaam.   The academic rift among the scholars resulted in establishing major rival Sunni and Shiite schools.   Each school in the next fourteen centuries then got sub-divided into several sects, and sub-sects.   Each sub-sect flourished when controlled by clergy who took the title Imam, Khaleefah or Moolla.    Each sub-sect grew muscle when patronized by a general, king, dictator or power-hungry politician.   Mostly the clergy led in labeling others as infidels worthy of being killed or waged war on them.    The Commentary  The Holy Qor-aan and Different Translations  shows how small differences started.  The wrangling by word of mouth and wars has distorted the facts and today the Truth must be found.   Required now is the study, research, prayers and divine guidance to reach and reveal what is Ialam.   And that is the mission of this site where all visitors are urged to spend time and explore its content.

Almost every one of the aforesaid aspects of human life have been debated, differed and disputed. The conflicting opinions by the religious leaders have developed serious issues. One result is the formation of untold number of schools or sects (See Law – Islam and Sect Formation and Law – Islam and Sect Recognition). Religious fervor turning into violence like Sunni-Shia animosity and Iran-Iraq war in 20th Century has continued throughout past fifteen centuries. The trend to use force, national administrations and persistent persecution appears escalating. Laws against Ahmadis promulgated in Pakistan, Saudi Arab, Uganda and Bangladesh are the latest example of religious fanaticism.

This site is dedicated to point towards the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth – the Truth about the Holy Qor-aan and Isslaam, Islaam, Islam, Al-Islam, Ul-Islam or any way the word is spelled  (or misspelled).  That is why the following steps are suggested.
• Read the translation of the Holy Qor-aan by clicking on any of the archives.
• Use the Search-Box if a verse-number is known.
• Read The Beginning.
• Click on Commentaries for the List of Titles covered so far.
• Visit the site again if the required verse or subject is not yet covered.
• Keep coming to the site and soon you will see what you want, God-willing.

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