
Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                      002:194


وَقٰتِلُوۡهُمۡ حَتّٰى لَا تَكُوۡنَ فِتۡنَةٌ وَّيَكُوۡنَ الدِّيۡنُ لِلّٰهِ‌ؕ فَاِنِ انتَهَوۡا فَلَا عُدۡوَانَ اِلَّا عَلَى الظّٰلِمِيۡنَ‏


Wa-qaa-tay-loo-hoom-hut-ta-laa-ta-koo-na-fit-na-toon                                                       Wa-ya-koo-nood-dee-no-lil-laa-hay                                                                                              Fa-aiy-nun-ta-how-fa-laa-ood-waa-na-il-laa-aa-luz-zaa-lay-mee-n


And you fight them until mischief is no more in the matters of religion.             And the religion becomes for only Allah with total freedom of worship.              So if they stop, then no more hostility except against the wrongdoers.


  • وَ — Wa — And — (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but;    also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • قٰتِلُو — Qaa-tay-loo — You fight (= v., Act in self-defense; attack; fight back; oppose; push back; strive; struggle. See 002:073 and Commentary Jihad – Is It Fighting)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person.  Reference is to the aggressors    initiating attacks in and around the Sacred Mosque)
  • حَتّٰى — Hut-ta — Till (= Until; no sooner than)
  • لَا —  Laa — No (= Absolutely not; never; no; not at all.  Has ended, ceased and is no more a bone of contention or fightable issue)
  • تَكُوۡنَ — Ta-koo-na– Exists (= Happens; is; occurs; prevails; reigns)
  • فِتۡنَةٌ — Fit-na-toon — Mischief (= Aggression; hostility; oppression; persecution; forced idolatry)
  • وَّ — Wa– And (= Additionally; also; but; while; yet)
  • يَكُوۡنَ — Ya-koo-no(od) — Becomes (= Exists; happens; is; occurs; prevails; reigns supreme.  The religion can be practiced and professed publicly and peacefully)
  • الدِّيۡنُ — Dee-no — Religion (= Way to live or lifestyle can be freely professed; all and  every  kind of worship is for only Allah)
  • لِلّٰهِ‌ — Lil-laa-hay — For Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= Consequently; resultantly; so; thereafter; therefore; yet)
  • اِنِ — In…(in) —  If (= If the situation arises; in case; under the circumstances)
  • انۡـتَهَوۡا –(I)n-ta-how —  They stop         (= Desist; end; stop militancy; terminate hostilities)
  • فَ  —  Fa — Then  (= Consequently; resultantly; so; thereafter; therefore; yet)
  • لَا — Laa — No (= Absolutely not; never; not; not at all)
  • عُدۡوَانَ — Od-waa-na — Hostility (= Act of war; aggression; excess; hostility; punishment.  The rule of permissible retaliation is available only against the initial assaulter or attacker)
  • اِلَّا — Il-laa — Except (= Besides; excluding; save)
  • عَلَى — Ala…(uz) — Against (= For; on; over; upon)
  • الظّٰلِمِيۡنَ‏ — Zaa-lay-mee-n —  Wrongdoers (= Assaulters; attackers; criminals; culprits; evil-doers; oppressors; polytheists.  Transgressors.   Unjust people; violators; wicked)

* Note 002:194.  This verse for the third time repeats how and when the war must end.   Permission (002:192) to war initiated in the Sacred Mosque lasts حَتّٰى (hutta) until peace returns.    Proclamation (002:193) ending war is absolute and has no conditions of ifs or buts attached to it.    Pronouncement (002:194) terminating the permission to war is immediate when hostilities stop.   Prolonged negotiations, elaborate agreements or surrendering treaties are not needed to end war.   Purpose, specified duration, nature and end of war are all pre-determined before wars ever start.   See our Commentary Law of War.

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