
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                096:001 to 020

Verses of the Holy Qor-aan are quoted on this site with the numbers, the first set of three being the number of Soorah (Chapter) followed by the last set of three being the number of the verse. The numbers include بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ‏‏ as the verse #1 in every Soorah except the Soorah #9. The original Arabic word is shown first, or in Col #1. The phonetic transliteration in English is shown next, or in Col #2, and is based upon words commonly pronounced like bat, cat, sat → fate, gate, hate → bait, trait → bay, nay, say → be, he, she → bet, pet, wet → bit, fit, sit → cot, dot, rot → boot, hoot, root → bout, rout → but, cut, hut, ultimatum. The English equivalent to the Arabic words (shown first, or in Col #1) are provided next, or in Col #3. Some other alternates in English used in other translations are given last, or in Col #4.


Chapter # 96                                         Soor-tool-Aluq                                   سُوۡرَةُ العَلق

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ
اِقۡرَاۡ بِاسۡمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِىۡ خَلَقَ‌ۚ‏ ○ خَلَقَ الۡاِنۡسَانَ مِنۡ عَلَقٍ‌ۚ‏ ○ اِقۡرَاۡ وَرَبُّكَ الۡاَكۡرَمُۙ الَّذِىۡ عَلَّمَ بِالۡقَلَمِۙ‏ عَلَّمَ  الۡاِنۡسَانَ مَا لَمۡ يَعۡلَمۡؕ‏ 
     كَلَّاۤ اِنَّ الۡاِنۡسَانَ لَيَطۡغٰٓىۙ‏ ○ اَنۡ رَّاٰهُ اسۡتَغۡنٰىؕ‏ ○ اِنَّ اِلٰى رَبِّكَ الرُّجۡعٰىؕ‏ ○ اَرَءَيۡتَ الَّذِىۡ يَنۡهٰىؕ‏ ○ عَبۡدًا اِذَا صَلّٰىؕ‏ ○ اَرَءَيۡتَ اِنۡ كَانَ عَلَى الۡهُدٰٓىۙ ○ ‏اَوۡ اَمَرَ بِالتَّقۡوٰىۙ‏ ○ اَرَءَيۡتَ اِنۡ كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلّٰىؕ‏ ○ اَلَمۡ يَعۡلَمۡ بِاَنَّ اللّٰهَ يَرٰىؕ‏○ كَلَّا لَٮِٕنۡ لَّمۡ يَنۡتَهِ ۙ لَنَسۡفَعًۢا بِالنَّاصِيَةِۙ‏ ○ نَاصِيَةٍ كَاذِبَةٍ خَاطِئَةٍ‌ ۚ فَلۡيَدۡعُ نَادِيَهٗ ۙ‏ ○ سَنَدۡعُ الزَّبَانِيَةَ ۙ‏ ○ كَلَّاؕ‏ لَا تُطِعۡهُ وَاسۡجُدۡ وَاقۡتَرِبْ۩‏ 

1. Bis-mil-laa-hir-rah-maa-nir-ra-heem.
2. Iq-rau-bis-may-rub-bay-kul-la-zee-kha-luq
3. Kha-la-qual-in-saa-na-min-aluq
4. Iq-rau-wa-rub-bo-kul-uk-rum
5. Ul-la-zee-ul-la-ma-bil-qa-lum
6. Ul-la-mul-in-saa-na-maa-lum-yau-lum
7. Kul-laa-in-nul-in-saa-na-la-yut-ghaa
8. Un-raa-hoos-tugh-naa
9. In-na-elaa-rub-bay-kur-rooj-aa.
10. Aa-ra-ai-tul-la-zee-yun-haa
11. Ub-done-ezaa-sul-laa
12. Aa-ra-ai-ta-in-kaa-na-aa-lul-ho-daa
13. Auo-ama-ra-bit-tuq- waa
14. Aa-ra-ai-ta-in-kuz-za-ba-wa-ta-wul-laa
15. Aa-lum-yau-lum-bay-un-nul-la-ha-ya-raa
16. Kul-laa-la-in-lum-yun-ta-hay-la-nus-fa-un-bin-naa-say-yah
17. Naa-say-ya-tin-kaa-zay-ba-tin-khaa-tay-auh
18. Ful-yud-o-naa-day-yauh
19. Sa-nud-ooz-za-baa-nay-yauh
20. Kul-laa–laa-to-tae-ho–wus-jood–wuq-ta-rib.

Sujdah – PROSTATE here


1. With the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful I begin.
2. Read with the name of your God who created everything
3. He created man from a clot
4. Read. By God, your God is the Most Generous
5. Who taught with the pen
6. He taught man what he did not know before 
7. The fact is that man most definitely does transgress
8. Because he sees himself needless
9. Certainly to your God is the Final Return.
10. Did you see him who stops
11. A servant when he prays
12. Did you see if he had been on the right road
13. Or, exhorted with the righteousness
14. Have you seen if he lied or turned away
15. Does he not know with certainty that Allah sees
16. The fact if he does not stop for sure is that there will be a catching by the forelock
17. Forelock, lying, erring
18. Then let him call his supporters
19. Soon We will call the angels guards of Hell
20. The fact is that you don’t obey him.  And you prostrate.  And you come close to God

Sujdah – PROSTATE here


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:001                                         ○بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ‏‏


With the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful I begin

  • بِ — B…(is) — With (= This Arabic word literally means ‘with’. Its translation in English is more accurate with ‘with’ than with ‘in’)
  • سۡمِ — Ism…(il) — The name of (= The way to be addressed or called)
  • اللهِ — Laa-h…(ir) — Allah (= The Almighty God; the One Only worthy of worship)
  • الرَّحۡمٰنِ — Rah-maa-n(ir) — The Most Beneficent (= The One who fully, totally and wholly benefits all, to the maximum, with no condition, limitation or restriction. Compassionate. Gracious)
  • الرَّحِيۡمِ — Ra-heem — The Most Merciful (= The One who fully, totally and wholly showers mercy, to the maximum, again and again, continually, indefinitely and perpetually like the endlessly incoming waves from the oceans)


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:002                             اِقۡرَاۡ بِاسۡمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِىۡ خَلَقَ            ‌


Read with the name of your God who created everything

  • اقۡرَاۡ — Iq–rau — Read (= Convey the message; recite; proclaim; study and spread
    the word)
  • بِ — Be…(s) — With (= Literal translation and the best sense conveyed is ‘with’)
  • اسۡمُ — (i)S-may — Name (= The labels or means with which one is called)
  • رَبُّ — Rub-bo — God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs of all creatures;
    Cherisher; Creator; Guardian; Master; Lord Provident.  The Only One Who provides all that sustains life.  Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist)
  • كَ — Ka…(ul ) — Your (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You single male. The addressee of this divine message is initially the Holy Prophet s.a.w and secondarily every Moslem, in fact every human being. See the Note under 002:005)
  • الَّذِىۡ — La-zee — Who (= s., m., 3rd person. Here the ref is to the Almighty God)
  • خَلَقَ — Kha-luq — He created (= Brought into being; designed from a scratch out of nothing before; every created thing; fashioned something right from its inception)


The Holy Qor-aan                                         096:003                                          خَلَقَ الۡاِنۡسَانَ مِنۡ عَلَقٍ‌ۚ‏


He created man from a clot

  • خَلَقَ — Kha-la-qua(l) — He created (= Brought into being; designed from a scratch out of nothing before; every created thing; fashioned something right from its inception)
  • ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ –In-saa-na — Man (= The human being; mankind; the species known as man including his feminine gender woman)
  • مِنۡ   — Min   — From (= From the class, category, count, kind, person or out of)
  • عَلَقٍ — Aluq —  A clot (= Clot of blood; clot of congealed blood; clotted blood; a thick chunk of coagulated blood on way to form a human being. Also something that clings)


The Holy Qor-aan                                         096:004                                                 اِقۡرَاۡ وَرَبُّكَ الۡاَكۡرَمُۙ‏


Read.  By God, your God is the Most Generous

  • اقۡرَاۡ — Iq–rau — Read (= Convey the message; recite; proclaim; study and spread
    the word)
  • وَ — Wa — By * (= 1. The وَ  vaao is tantamount to taking oath; solemn declaration. 2. Conj., links words, phrases or clauses and as such it means additionally, also, and, but; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • رَبُّ  — Rub-bo — God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs of all creatures;
    Cherisher; Creator; Guardian; Master; Lord Provident.  The Only One Who provides all that sustains life.  Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist)
  • كَ — Ka…(ul) — Your (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You single male. The addressee of this divine message is initially the Holy Prophet s.a.w and secondarily every Moslem, in fact every human being. See the Note under 002:005)
  • الۡاَكۡرَمُۙ‏ — Uk-rum — Most Generous (= Most Bounteous, Bountiful, Honored and Respected; Greatest and Highest in respect and esteem)

* Note 096:004. Mostly وَ  has been translated as a conjunction. But construing it as the وَ of oath and so stating that “By God, your God is the Most Generous” conveys accurately the real intent of the original text because of the following.
1. That statement is absolute truth about the Almighty Allah.
2. That statement is factual direction – ‘You read in the name of your God who is the Most Generous.’
3. That statement is an explanation with solid reasoning. God has generously empowered you to verbalize your feelings by reading and writing. Other creature we know are not blessed that way.


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:005                                                 الَّذِىۡ عَلَّمَ بِالۡقَلَمِۙ‏


Who taught with the pen

  • الَّذِىۡ — Ul-la-zee — Who (= s., m., 3rd person. Here the ref is to the Almighty God)
  • عَلَّمَ — Ul-la-ma — Taught (= v., Gave and instructed the awareness, education, information, knowledge and learning how to write)
  • بِ — B…(il) — With (= With the instrumentality of; by means of)
  • الۡقَلَمِۙ — Qa-lum — Pen (= Instrument to write with; the forecast about the spread of information and knowledge by the prolific medium of publication)


The Holy Qor-aan                                         096:006                                         عَلَّمَ الۡاِنۡسَانَ مَا لَمۡ يَعۡلَمۡؕ‏


He taught man what he did not know before

  • عَلَّمَ — Ul-la-ma…(ul) — He taught (= v., Gave and instructed the awareness, education, information, knowledge and learning how to write)
  • ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ — In-saa-na — Man (= The human being; mankind; the species known as man including his feminine gender woman)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — What (= All that; whatever; whatsoever)
  • لَمۡ — Lum — Not (= Never; no, not at all)
  • يَعۡلَمۡ‏ — Yau-lum — Knew (= v., Had the coaching, education, guidance, instruction, training or tutoring


The Holy Qor-aan                                         096:007                                           كَلَّاۤ اِنَّ الۡاِنۡسَانَ لَيَطۡغٰٓىۙ‏


The fact is that the man most definitely does transgress

  • كَلَّا — Kul-laa — The fact is  (= Absolutely not; fact is; instead; like never; nay; the reality is. A combination of two Arabic words. كَ means ‘like or as if.’ لَّا means ‘not’. Joined together كَلَّا means ‘like it was not’, ‘absolutely never’, ‘no indeed’)
  • اِنَّ — In-na…(ul) Definitely  (= Absolutely; certainly; doubtlessly; earnestly; indeed; in all seriousness; positively; really; surely; truly; verily. See ‘2 Words of Emphasis used together ..’)*
  • ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ — In-saa-na — The man (= The human being; mankind; the species known as man including his feminine gender woman)
  • لَ — La — Definitely (= Absolutely; certainly; positively; surely; truly; verily. See ‘2 Words of Emphasis used together ..‘)
  • يَطۡغٰٓى — Yut-ghaa — Does Transgress (= v., Commits sins; errs; fouls; flops; rebels; makes mistakes intentionally; transgresses in bad and evil)

* Note 096:007 The ‘2 Words of Emphasis used together Multiply Effect‘ shows why one clause in Arabic using two words of emphasis ( اِنَّ and لَ ) with similar meanings in English is best translated by adding the ‘most’ before ‘definitely’ instead of repeating the word ‘definitely’ twice.


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:008                                                 ؕ‏ اَنۡ رَّاٰهُ اسۡتَغۡنٰى


Because he saw himself needless

  • اَنۡ — Un — Because (= Due to; for the purpose; since; so that; that)
  • رَّا — Raa — Saw (= Deemed; imagined; looked; perceived; thought; took)
  • هُ — Ho…(os) Himself (= s., m., in 3rd person. Refers to Man, إِنسَـٰنَ )
  • اسۡتَغۡنٰى — S-tugh-naa — Needless (= (= Beyond or without a need to depend on anyone else. His own master; self-sufficient; totally independent.
    Also implies the meanings of being audacious, cheeky, disrespectful, impertinent, impudent, insolent and rude)


The Holy Qor-aan                                         096:009                                              اِنَّ اِلٰى رَبِّكَ الرُّجۡعٰى


Certainly to your God is the Final Return

  • اِنَّ — In-na — Certainly (= Absolutely; definitely; doubtlessly; earnestly; indeed; in all seriousness; positively; really; surely; truly; verily)
  • اِلٰٓى — E-laa — To (= In the direction of; towards)
  •  رَبِّ  — Rub-bay — God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs of all creatures;
    Creator; Guardian; Master; Lord Provident. The Only One Who provides all that sustains life. Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist)
  • كَ — Ka…(ur) — Your (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You single male. The addressee of this divine message is initially the Holy Prophet s.a.w and secondarily every Moslem, in fact every human being. See the Note under 002:005)
  • الرُّجۡعٰى — Rooj-aa — Final Return (= Eventual, final and ultimate Return to account for one’s actions)


The Holy Qor-aan                                         096:010                                                اَرَءَيۡتَ الَّذِىۡ يَنۡهٰى


Did you see him who stops

  • أَ — Aa — Did (= Question mark like Are, Can, Have, Shell or Will?)
  • رَءَيۡتَ — Ra-ai-ta(ul) — You see (= Know; notice; observe; think of; witness)
  • الَّذِىۡ — La-zee — He who (= s., m., 3rd person. Who stops another from praying)
  • يَنۡهٰى — Yun-haa — Stops (= Dissuades; forbids; limits; prevents; obstructs; rebukes; restricts)


The Holy Qor-aan                                         096:011 عَبۡدًا اِذَا صَلّٰىؕ                                                   ‏


A servant when he prays

  • عَبۡدًا — Ub-done — A servant (= n., s., Bondsmen; slaves; supplicants; true Believers who worship; worshiper)
  • اِذَاۤ — Izaa — When (= Any time or event; now that; whenever)
  • صَلّٰى — Sul-laa — He prays (= 1- Beseeches; supplicates. 2- Offers the mandated five daily prayers. 3- Prays in gratitude night and day, all the time, in everything one did; stood in prayer)


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:012                                     اَرَءَيۡتَ اِنۡ كَانَ عَلَى الۡهُدٰٓىۙ‏


Did you see if he had been on the right road

  • أَ — Aa — Did — (= Question mark like Are, Can, Have, Shell or Will?)
  • رَءَيۡتَ — Ra-ai-ta — You see (= Know; notice; observe; think of; witness)
  • اِنِ — In — If (= If situation arises; in case; under the circumstances; whether)
  • كَانَ — Kaa-na — Had been (= v., Conveys continuation; ‘That one in 3rd persons ‘used to’. This verb indicates an act’s continuity from the past to the present and leading into the future – such as ‘went on doing ‘or ‘continued doing’)
  • عَلٰى — Aa-la…(ul) — On (= Above; for; on top of; over; upon)
  • الۡهُدٰٓى — Ho-daa — Right road (= v., Directed towards the correct course; guidance; proper path; set on, way or lines)


The Holy Qor-aan                                           096:013                                                     اَوۡ اَمَرَ بِالتَّقۡوٰىۙ‏


Or, exhorted with regard to the righteousness

  • اَوۡ — Auo — Or (= Alternatively; in substitution)
  • اَمَرَ — Ama-ra — Exhorted (= Bid; commanded; decreed; dictated; directed; enjoined; laid down; mandated; ordered; ordained; ordered; preached; spurred on; urged)
  • بِ  — B…(it) — With (= Literal meanings ‘with’. Also regarding; relative to)
  • التَّقۡوٰى‌ — Tuq-waa –Righteousness (= n., Cleanliness; piety; doing of duty owed to God Almighty. Lifting up one’s lower-body garments from getting dirty or caught in thorns. See 002:003)


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:014                                            اَرَءَيۡتَ اِنۡ كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلّٰىؕ‏


Have you seen if he lied or turned away

  • أَ — Aa —  Have (= Question mark like Are, Can, do, Shell or Will?)
  • رَءَيۡتَ — Ra-ai-ta — You see (= Know; notice; observe; think of; witness)
  • اِنِ — In — If (= If situation arises; in case; under the circumstances)
  • كَذَّ بَ — Kuz-za-ba — He lied (= v., s., m., Belied; decried; denied; misrepresented; rejected; stated the untruth)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • تَوَلّٰى — Ta-wul-laa — Turned away (= Diverted from the truth; compromised the truth;  paid no heed; turned backwards)


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:015                                              اَلَمۡ يَعۡلَمۡ بِاَنَّ اللّٰهَ يَرٰى


Does he not know with certainty that Allah sees?

  • أَ — Aa — Does (= Question mark like Are, Can, Have, Shell or Will?)
  • لَمۡ — Lum — Not (= Never; no, not at all)
  • يَعۡلَمۡ‏ — Yau-lum — Know (= v., Has the coaching, education, guidance, instruction,
    training or tutoring; is aware )
  • بِ — Bay — With (= This word in Arabic literally means ‘with’. Other possible
    meanings include Because; due to; for the reason; under the circumstances)
  • اَنَّ — Un-na…(ul) — Certainty (= Absolutely; definitely; doubtlessly; earnestly; indeed; in all seriousness; positively; really; surely; truly; verily
  • ٱللَّهَ — Laa-ha — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • يَرٰى — Ya-raa — Sees (= Observes; knows; notices; watches; is aware of all acts and conduct and things both good and bad)


The Holy Qor-aan                                           096:016                             كَلَّا لَٮِٕنۡ لَّمۡ يَنۡتَهِ ۙ لَنَسۡفَعًۢا بِالنَّاصِيَةِۙ‏


              The fact if he does not stop for sure is that there will be a catching by the forelock

  • كَلَّا — Kul-laa — The fact is (= Absolutely not; fact is; instead; like never; nay; the reality is. A combination of two Arabic words. كَ means ‘like or as if.’ لَّا means ‘not’. Joined together كَلَّا means ‘like it was not’, ‘absolutely never’, ‘no indeed’)
  • لَ  — La — For sure (= Absolutely; certainly; definitely; indeed; in all seriousness; positively; surely; truly; verily)
  • اِنِ — In — If (= If situation arises; in case; under the circumstances)
  • لَّمۡ  — Lum — Not (= Never; no, not at all)
  • يَنۡتَهِ — Yun-ta-hay — Stop (= Desist; refrain; restrict)
  • لَ — La — Certain (= Absolutely; certainly; definitely; for sure; indeed; in all seriousness; positively; surely; truly; verily) *
  • نَسۡفَعًۢا — Nus-fa-un — Catching (= Holding and seizing to drag) **
  • بِ — B…(in) — With (= Literal translation and the best sense conveyed is ‘with’)
  • النَّاصِيَةِۙ — Naa-say-yah — Forelock (= Hair just above the forehead.

* Note 096:016a. Some translations limited this act to that of Abu Jehl who was an uncle and haughty enemy of the Holy Prophet s.a.w. Others have broadened it to include every  opponent of Islam.

** Note 096:016b. Mostly catching forelocks is the first act before a serious bodily harm is inflicted as the police or torturing interrogators do when they believe that a real criminal is in their grips and not telling the truth.


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:017                                             نَاصِيَةٍ كَاذِبَةٍ خَاطِئَةٍ‌


Forelock, lying, erring

  • نَّاصِيَةِ — Naa-say-ya-tin — Forelock (= Hair just above the forehead)
  • كَاذِبَةٍ — Kaa-zay-ba-tin — Lying (= A person whose very face shows he is lying)
  • خَاطِئَة — Kha-tay-auh — Erring (= A person whose actions are a crime, mistake or sin)


The Holy Qor-aan                                           096:018                                                      فَلۡيَدۡعُ نَادِيَهٗ


Then let him call his supporters

  • فَ — Fa…(ul) — Then (= Consequently; as a result; so; thereafter; therefore; yet)
  • لۡ — L — Let (= Attempt; try)
  • يَدۡعُ — Yud-o — Call (= v., Assemble; draw; gather; invite; require attendance; subpoena; summon)
  • نَادِي — Naa-day-ya — Supporters (= Bodies, cabinets, clicks, councils and groups of helpers associates comrades, helpmates or henchmen who can be summoned for counsel or help in times of need)
  • هٗ — H(oo) — His (= s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the bad man إِنسَـٰنَ )


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:019                                                   سَنَدۡعُ الزَّبَانِيَةَ


Soon We will call the angels guards of Hell

  • سَ — Sa — Soon (= In near term; in the near future; in a short while)
  • نَدۡعُ — Nud-ooz — We will call (= v., Assemble; draw; gather; invite; require attendance; subpoena; summon)
  • الزَّبَانِيَة — Za-baa-nay-yauh — Guards at hell (= Angels guarding Hell; angels of punishment; guards of Hell; guardians of or wardens of Hell; defending guards; wardens; braves of the army)


The Holy Qor-aan                                          096:020                               كَلَّا لَا تُطِعۡهُ وَاسۡجُدۡ وَاقۡتَرِبْ


Sujdah – PROSTATE here

The fact is that you don’t obey him.  And you prostrate.  And you come close to God

  • كَلَّا — Kul-laa — The fact is (= Absolutely not; fact is; instead; like never; nay; the reality is. A combination of two Arabic words. كَ means ‘like or as if.’ لَّا means ‘not’. Joined together كَلَّا means ‘like it was not’, ‘absolutely never’, ‘no indeed’)
  •  لَا– Laa — No, not (= Absolute denial; never; not at all; total negation)
  • تُطِعۡ — To-tae — You obey (= Bow before someone in obedience; Follow the lead. Carry out the instructions. Pay heed. Yield)
  • هُ — Ho — Him (= s., m., 3rd person. Refers to Man, إِنسَـٰنَ )
  • وَ — Wa…(us) — But (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • اسۡجُدۡ — Us-jood — Prostrate (= Put your head on floor in submissive worship; bow down in adoration)
  • وَ — Wa…(uq) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • اقۡتَرِب — Uq-ta-rib — Come Close (= Bring yourself, draw near and get close to God)
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