
Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                            002:192


وَاقۡتُلُوۡهُمۡ حَيۡثُ ثَقِفۡتُمُوۡهُمۡ وَاَخۡرِجُوۡهُمۡ مِّنۡ حَيۡثُ اَخۡرَجُوۡكُمۡ‌ وَالۡفِتۡنَةُ اَشَدُّ مِنَ الۡقَتۡلِۚ  وَلَا تُقٰتِلُوۡهُمۡ عِنۡدَ الۡمَسۡجِدِ الۡحَـرَامِ حَتّٰى يُقٰتِلُوۡكُمۡ فِيۡهِ‌ۚ  فَاِنۡ قٰتَلُوۡكُمۡ فَاقۡتُلُوۡهُمۡؕ  كَذٰلِكَ جَزَآءُ الۡكٰفِرِيۡنَ‏


Wuq-to-loo-hoom-hai-tho-tha-qif-to-moo-hoom                                                                       Wa-ukh-ra-joo-hoom-min-hai-tho-ukh-ra-joo-koom                                                                    Wul-fit-na-to-aa-shu-do-may-nul-qut-lay                                                                                       Wa-laa-to-qaa-tay-loo-hoom-in-dul-mus-jay-dil-ha-raa-may                                                Hut-taa-yo-qaa-ta-loo-koom-fee-hay                                                                                              Fa-in-qaa-ta-loo-koom-fa-qaa-tay-loo-hoom                                                                                  Ka-zaa-le-ka-ja-zaa-ol-kaa-fe-reen.


And you fight them wherever you found them.                                                                And you expel them from where they had expelled you.                                              And mischief is worse than killing.                                                                                   And do not fight them near the Sacred Mosque                                                         Unless they first attack you inside it.                                                                            Thus if they attack you, then you fight them back.                                                         Like this (such) is the punishment for the ungrateful.


  • وَ  — Wa…(uq) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but;   also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon.  And once the fighting has been commenced by the  aggressors)
  • اقۡتُلُوۡ — Uq-to-loo — You fight (= v., 1. Act in self-defense; attack; fight back; oppose; push back; strive; struggle.  2.  Kill; slay.  See 002:073, our Commentary Jihad – Is It Fighting and the Note 002:192a below)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those warring in Holy Mosque)
  • حَيۡثُ — Hai-tho — Wherever (= Anywhere; where)
  • ثَقِفۡتُمُوۡ — Tha-qif-to-moo — You found  (= v., past., pl., 2nd person. Caught; came across; came upon; discovered; faced; met. A/t/a, ‘You get the better of them in a ‘disciplinary way.’ See 004:090 and the Note 002:192a below)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. See ھُمۡ‌  above)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Additionally; also; although; but. See وَ  above)
  • اَخۡرِجُوۡ — Ukh-ray-joo — You expel (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Banish; exile; expel. Drive, force or turn out)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. See ھُمۡ‌  above)
  • مِّنَ —  Min — From  (= From the class, category or count of; out of)
  • حَيۡثُ — Hai-tho —  Where (= Anywhere; wherever)
  • اَخۡرَجُو — Ukh-ra-joo — They expelled (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Banished; exiled; expelled. Drove, forced or turned out. See the sharp difference in the meanings that occurred by the different placement of just a vowel of kusrah below the letter ر  as in اَخۡرِجُوۡ and fatah above the letter ر  as in اَخۡرَجُو )
  • کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You. The Holy Qor-aan states this way when addressing both men and women jointly)
  • وَ —  W…(ul) — And (= Additionally; also; although; but. See وَ  above)
  • الۡفِتۡنَةُ — Fit-na-to — Mischief (= Commotion; discord; disorder; dissension; disturbance; hullabaloo; lawlessness; panic; tumult; turmoil; uproar.  2.  Test; trial.   3.  Oppression; persecution.   4.  Forced idolatry; misleading polytheism; Persecuting people to sway them from God’s religion)
  • اَشَدُّ — A-shud-do — Worse (= Harder; more heinous; stronger; severer)
  • مِنَ — May-na…(ul) — From, than (= From the class, category or count of; out of)
  • الۡقَتۡلِ — Qut-lay — Killing (= n., Attack; battle; carnage, combat; fight; war;   massacre; mayhem; murder; slaughter; slaying;  persecution; oppression. See اقۡتُلُو  above and 002:073)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Additionally; also; although; but. See وَ  above)
  • لَا — Laa — Not (= Absolutely not; never; no; not at all)
  • تُقٰتِلُوۡ — To-qaa-tay-loo — You fight  *   (= v., Attack; battle; combat; fight; war; commit carnage,  massacre; mayhem; murder; slaughter.   See  الۡقَتۡلِ  above)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. See ھُمۡ‌  above)
  • عِنۡدَ — In-da..(ul) — Near (= (= At; close at hand; from; in; in close proximity of; with. Within the presence, precincts, seeing or sight of. In the front, near or presence of. The verse allows the war initiated at, in or around the Holy Mosque and limits it to the conditions imposed and period allowed when it must be ended. See our  Commentary Law of War)
  • الۡمَسۡجِدِ — Mus-jay-d..(il) — The Mosque (= n.,  The placement of  ا لۡ  before the word  مَسۡجِدِ  [which means a ‘house of worship’] has particularized it to the one Holiest Place of worship for the Moslems built around the Kau-ba located in Muk-kah)
  • الۡحَـرَامِ — Ha-raa-may — Sacred (= Forbidden; holy; holiest; inviolable; prohibited for any wasteful activity; the Sanctuary)
  • حَتّٰى — Hut-ta — Unless (= Till; until)
  • يُقٰتِلُوۡ — Yo-qaa-tay-loo — They attack    (= v., Attack; battle; carnage, combat; fight; war; massacre; mayhem; murder; slaughter.  See  الۡقَتۡلِ  above)
  • کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You.  See کُمۡ above)
  • فِىۡ — Fee — Inside (= Concerning; in; in reference to; regarding; relative to. The verse allows war initiated at, in or around the Holy Mosque and limits it to the conditions imposed and period allowed when it must be ended.  See our Commentary Law of War)
  • هِ — Hay — It  (= Pro., s., m., 3rd person.; Ref here is to the Mosque)
  • فَ — Fa — Thus (= After all this; at the end; consequently; hence; then)
  • اِنۡ — In — If (= If the situation arises; in case; under the circumstances)
  • قٰتَلُوۡ — Qa-ta-loo — They attack (= v., Attack; battle; combat; fight; war; commit carnage, massacre; mayhem; murder; slaughter.  See  الۡقَتۡلِ  above)
  • کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You.  See کُمۡ above)
  • فَ — Fa…(uq) — Then (= After all this; at the end; consequently; hence; then)
  • اقۡتُلُوۡ — Q-to-loo — You fight (= v., Attack; battle; combat; fight; oppose; push back; slay; strive; struggle; war. Also, ‘Put them on the sword.’  See  الۡقَتۡلِ  above)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. See ھُمۡ‌  above)
  • كَ — Ka — Like (= Identical to; resembling; similar to)
  • ذٰلِكَ — Zaa-lay-ka — This (= Right in here)
  • جَزَآءُ — Ja-zaa-o…(ol) — Punishment (= n., Penalty; punishment; retribution; sentence. Also, consequence, result or follow up since the word expresses disgust, criticism and condemnation for evil acts like those referred to in the verses 003:088, 004:094 and 078:027. For other meanings see the Note 004:094)
  • الۡكٰفِرِيۡنَ‏ — Kaa-fe-reen — Unbelievers (= 1. Disbelievers; infidels; who suppress the faith and the truth; unbelievers.  2.   Thankless; unappreciative;  ungrateful. who failed to appreciate thank Allah for the blessing of the Sacred Mosque)     


* Note 002:192.    Some Translators have applied this section to the Ho-dai-be-yah Pact.     In the year 6th Hijri, the Holy Prophet s.a.w came to Mecca with his followers to perform Hujj.     Mecca residents who disbelieved and controlled Kauba denied the Moslems to do that worship.    The prospective pilgrims having won other battles were confident to win another war in Mecca.    They were adamant to fight their way to do the Hujj but the Holy Prophet s.a.w preferred peace.    The peaceful truce was concluded though many Moslems there equated the Pact to be a defeat.     Treaty terms favored Meccans, sent Moslems back, and promised to allow them Hujj next year.   The peaceful pact paved way to a successful Moslem victory of Mecca next year without a fight.   This verse even if not revealed around Ho-dai-be-yah affirmed not to war in the Holy Mosque.   This verse foretold that the future would bring incidents when the direction herein must be used.     History shows that the miscreants have created disorders at the Sacred Mosque during the Hujj.    The disorders caused stampedes and commotions that killed hundreds of the innocent pilgrims.   This verse provides a solution to that problem that will recur despite best effort by the Moslems.   It marks the end of a chain of events, talks and negotiations to stop violations and restore peace.   Negotiated settlements are preferred as exhorted among other places in the verse 002:197

* Note 002:192a. The words ثَقِفۡتُمُو  in 002:192 and  وَجَد تُّمُو 004:090  merit solid attention. The translation ‘you found’ of these two words is very similar as their meanings closely overlap.  One entails being found as a result of some effort, pursuit or search carried out for the purpose. The other conveys discovery or accidental find like in plain view with no special search for it.  Their real translation with the preceding command is ‘You fight them wherever you found them.’  Such translation has bothered many of those Not-yet-Moslems who look for fodder to criticize.  But the meanings of the word  قتل  (qa-ta-la) (002:062 and 002:073) clearly nullifies such invalid criticism.

The Holy Qor-aan has used several words derived from the root قَ  ت   لَ . Its primary are given in our Commentary LAW – Jihad – Is It Fighting. Each derivate word carries a different shade of the inherent meanings of the root.

Each noun has a distinctive nuance that must be reflected accurately when translating it whether it was an attack, battle, carnage, combat, depriving, enmity, fight back, homicide, massacre, mayhem, oppression, opposition, persecution, resistance, retaliation, slaughter, striving, struggle, war or suppression.

Each verb reveals whether the doer was one, two or many persons, male or female in gender, and did the act in the past, or is doing at the present or will do in future.

Take the example of translations of a verb in the past tense by one man. The accurate meanings are he defended, opposed, pushed back, resisted, strove, struggled. The menacing meanings are he battled, destroyed, killed, murdered, slaughtered, warred. The context dictates whether to add inimically, intentionally, willfully, with premeditation.


Reproduced below is Note 002:191b.

** Note 002:191b.  This verse — or for that matter any other verse of the Holy Qor-aan — DOES NOT allow, authorize, permit, justify, or warrant killing any other human being without reason.  The verse 002:073 narrates the Israelites killing something or someone and then tried to conceal it.  The verses 002:191 to 002:194 allows fighting limited to the specified extent, place and timings.  The verses 002:218 and 002:219 prescribed fighting to suppress only persecutions or transgression. The verses cited in our Commentary Law of War show the perimeters within which war is legal.

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