105:001 to 006

The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                  105:001 to 006

Verses of the Holy Qor-aan are quoted on this site with the numbers, the first set of three being the number of Soorah (Chapter) followed by the last set of three being the number of the verse. The numbers include بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ‏‏ as the verse #1 in every Soorah except the Soorah #9. The original Arabic word is shown first, or in Col #1. The phonetic transliteration in English is shown next, or in Col #2, and is based upon words commonly pronounced like bat, cat, sat → fate, gate, hate → bait, trait → bay, nay, say → be, he, she → bet, pet, wet → bit, fit, sit → cot, dot, rot → boot, hoot, root → bout, rout → but, cut, hut, ultimatum. The English equivalent to the Arabic words (shown first, or in Col #1) are provided next, or in Col #3. Some other alternates in English used in other translations are given last, or in Col #4.


Chapter # 105                                        Soora-tool-Feel                        سُوۡرَةُ الفِیل                  ‏‏

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡم

اَلَمۡ تَرَ كَيۡفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِاَصۡحٰبِ الۡفِيۡلِؕ‏ ○ اَلَمۡ يَجۡعَلۡ كَيۡدَهُمۡ فِىۡ تَضۡلِيۡلٍۙ‏ ○ وَّاَرۡسَلَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ طَيۡرًا اَبَابِيۡلَۙ‏ ○ تَرۡمِيۡهِمۡ بِحِجَارَةٍ مِّنۡ سِجِّيۡلٍۙ‏○ فَجَعَلَهُمۡ كَعَصۡفٍ مَّاۡكُوۡلٍ

  1. Bis-mil-laa-hir-rah-maa-nir-ra-heem
  2. Aa-lum-ta-ra-kai-fa-fa-aa-la-rub-bo-ka-bay-us-haa-bil-feel
  3. Aa-lum-yuj-ul-kai-da-hoom-fee-tudz-leel
  4. Wa-ar-sa-la-alai-him-tai-run-abaa-beel
  5. Tur-me-him-bay-he-jaa-ra-tin-min-sij-jeel
  6. Fa-ja-la-hoom-ka-us-fin-mau-kool


  1. With the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful I begin.
  2. Didn’t you see what your God did with the owners of elephants?
  3. Did He not turn their evil plan in a total disaster?
  4. And sent over them the flying tiny birds, Aba-beel
  5. Striking them with stones made from baked clay
  6. Thus He made them like the fodder eaten up


The Holy Qor-aan                                          105:001                                      ○بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ‏‏


With the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful I begin.

(Beginning, commencing, starting)

  • بِ — B(is) –With (= This Arabic word literally means ‘with’. Its translation in English is more accurate with ‘with’ than with ‘in’)
  • سۡمِ — M(il) –The name of (= The way to be addressed or called)
  • اللهِ — Laa-h(ir) –Allah (= The Almighty God; the One Only worthy of worship)
  • الرَّحۡمٰنِ — Rah-maa-n(ir) — The Most Beneficent (= The One who fully; totally and wholly benefits all fully and to the maximum with no condition, limitation or restriction. Compassionate. Gracious)
  • الرَّحِيۡمِ — Ra-heem — The Most Merciful (= The One who fully, totally and wholly showers mercy again and again to the maximum continually, indefinitely and perpetually like the endlessly incoming waves from the oceans)


The Holy Qor-aan                                        105:002                           أَلَمۡ تَرَ كَيۡفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصۡحَـٰبِ ٱلۡفِيلِ


Didn’t you  see what your God did with the owners of elephants?

  • اَلَمۡ — Aa-lum — Didn’t (= This is a combination of two words. The first أ (= aa) is a question mark. The second  لَمۡ   (= lum) is followed by a verb in the past tense and best translated as couldn’t, didn’t, shouldn’t and wouldn’t. See Note 002:244a)
  • تَرَ — Ta-ra — Seen (= v., past., s., m & f., 2nd person. This is a combination of two words. The first word  تَ  (= ta) means ‘you’ which some authors just mimicking the Western renditions of other scriptures have translated as thou or thy.  The second word is  رَ  (= ra) in the past tense that could be translated as considered, deemed, evaluated, focused upon, heard of, known as, looked at, noticed, observed, pondered, recalled, saw, seen, taken notice of, turned … vision on, thought of, viewed or witnessed. See Note 002:244a. A/t/a ‘bethink ye’)
  • كَيۡفَ — Kai-fa — What (= How; what manner or method; which way)
  • فَعَلَ — Fa-aa-la — Did (= Dealt; treated; reacted)
  • رَبُّ — Rub-bo — God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs of all creatures;
    Creator; Guardian; Master; Lord Provident. The Only One Who provides all that sustains life. Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist)
  • كَ — Ka — You (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You single male. The addressee of this divine message is initially the Holy Prophet s.a.w and secondarily every Moslem, in fact every human being. See the Note under 002:005)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= Literal translation and best sense conveyed is ‘with’)
  • أَصۡحَـٰبِ — Us-haa-b(il) — Owners (= pl, Army; controllers; masters; possessors. For other meanings of this word, see 002:082 and 002:083)
  • ٱلۡفِيلِ — Feel — Elephants (= Huge animal with thick skin and big-wide four feet that were used by the medieval armies to trample over enemy soldiers without being greatly hurt and damaged by their arrows, spear and swords)

* Note 105:002a. A simple straight forward translation of this verse includes all readers as its addressees. Historically, an army riding elephants came under the command of Abraha who was the viceroy in Yemen under Abyssinian King Negus who amassed the elephants as an undefeatable instrument of war. Dr Khan correctly stated that ‘The Elephant Army which came from Yemen under the command of Abrahah Al-Ashram intending to destroy the Kau-bah in the town of Muk-kah‘ — but he translated the operative verb to only ‘O Mohammad’ and so narrowed down the scope of this word and verse to only one person. No wonder some Moslem sects believe that nearly 20% of the Holy Qor-aan had become non-practicable — Report by Punjab High Court. See 106:002 and our Commentary titled as Abrogation Theory. Such translations, implications, assertions or conclusions are totally unwarranted. Not a word, clause, verse, message or teachings of the Holy Qor-aan has or ever will become obsolete.

** Note 105:002b. The first eight words of the verse 089:007 and 105:002 are exactly the same.


The Holy Qor-aan                                         105:003                                       أَلَمۡ يَجۡعَلۡ كَيۡدَهُمۡ فِى تَضۡلِيلٍ۬


Did He not turn their evil plan in a total disaster?

  • أ — Aa — Do (= Question mark. Equivalent to Are? Can?  Shell? Will?)
  • لَمۡ — Lum — Not (= Never; no, not at all)
  • يَجۡعَلۡ — Yuj-ul — Make (= Cause; convert; destroy; foil; reduce; render; ruin; turn) *
  • كَيۡدَ — Kai-da — Evil plan (= Treacherous design , plot, scheme, stratagem or strategy for a battle or war)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom –Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Refers to the attackers riding the elephants)
  • فِىۡ — Fee — Into (= 1. Concerning; in the matters of; in reference to; regarding; relative to. 2. During; duration; inside the duration of an event, time, period, place or thing)
  •  تَضۡلِيلٍ۬ — Tudz-leel — Total disaster (= Absolute disaster; destroy; foil; gone astray; loss; utter failure; lost in confusion; miscarry; brought to naught)

* Note 105:003. The basic root (the  three letters ج ع ل ) involves  the meaning of actively taking steps to make a change – for the better or worse as the doer intends. The derivative word يَجۡعَلۡ used in this verse (105:003) is grammatically present-participle; in the instant context it conveys and shows Almighty God’s universal rule to eventually down and defeat the terribly the rude and crude ruffians. The derivative word جَعَلَ from the aforesaid root used in the verse (105:006) below is past tense grammatically that conveys as shown by the context that Almighty God’s actually did defeat and destroy terribly the rough, ruffian, rude and crude army that had come with the evil intent to demolish Kau-bah under an illusion that such a demolition would end the people from coming there for a pilgrimage.


The Holy Qor-aan                                        105:004                                        وَأَرۡسَلَ عَلَيۡہِمۡ طَيۡرًا أَبَابِيلَ


And sent over them a swarm of flying tiny birds, Aba-beel

  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • أَرۡسَلَ  — Ar-sa-la — Sent (= Cast; dispatched; flung; hurled. a/t/a throwing something at some one with intent to strike him)
  • عَلَيۡ — Alai — On (= Above; against; for; on top of; over; upon)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Refers to the attackers riding the elephants)
  • طَيۡرًاۢ — Tai-run — Flying (= Fliers. Flying birds (unlike chicken, turkey or ostrich). Flying creatures. Flights. Living birds. Soaring being. Those flying and floating in air with wings spread out)
  • أَبَابِيلَ — Abaa-beel — Tiny birds * (= Flocks, swarms or large number of small birds.

* Note 105:004.  Sparrow-like tiny black bird named Ababeel which flies fast and in ever-changing odd loops. It is almost impossible for even a quality marksman soldier on the ground to hit one with an arrow, leave anyone hunt them down)


The Holy Qor-aan                                         105:005                                       تَرۡمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍ۬ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ۬


Striking them with tiny stones made from baked clay

  • تَرۡمِي — Tur-mee — Striking (= Hitting; pelting; throwing at.  “Which tore off flesh from their bodies to eat it by striking them against stones of hardened and petrified clay and reduced them to rotten chaff” – Allamah Nooruddin)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Refers to the attackers riding the elephants)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= Literal translation and best sense conveyed is ‘with’)
  • حِجَارَةٍ۬ — He-jaa-ra-tin — Stones (= Lumps f clay; pebbles; rocks; rocky clay)
  • مِّنَ — Min — Among (= From the class, category, count, kind, persons or out of)
  • سِجِّيلٍ۬ — Si-jeel — Baked Clay (= Baked, dried up or hardened clay pebbles that when dropped from the bird-flying heights hit those on the ground like the pellets shot from a 12-guage gun. Small wet dirt rolled-n-dried into balls used in the sling-shots to hunt down birds for food in many areas of India and Pakistan. A/t/a Branded, decreed or marked stones)


The Holy Qor-aan                                           105:006                                         فَجَعَلَهُمۡ كَعَصۡفٍ۬ مَّأۡڪُولِۭ


Thus He made them like the fodder eaten up

  • فَ — Fa — Thus (= Consequently; as a result; so; thereafter; therefore; yet)
  • جَعَلَ — Ja-aa-la — He made (= Caused; converted; destroyed; reduced; rendered turned)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Refers to the attackers riding the elephants)
  • كَ — Ka — Like (= Example; identical; resembling; similar; similitude)
  • عَصۡفٍ۬ — Us-fin(m) — Fodder (= Cattle feed; green corps; broken; straw. a/t/a empty field of stalks from which the cattle has already eaten up the corn)
  • مَّأۡڪُولِۭ — Mau-kool — Eaten up (= Devoured. Discarded left-over that has been trampled over after the best part is eaten up. Half-eaten crops. Crops, greens, plants or vegetation that the cattle has half-eaten.. Left over fodder after eating it is over)


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