
The Holy Qor-aan           079:001

Verses of the Holy Qor-aan are quoted on this site with the numbers, the first set of three being the number of Soorah (Chapter) followed by the last set of three being the number of the verse. The numbers include بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ‏‏ as the verse #1 in every Soorah except the Soorah #9. The original Arabic word is shown first, or in Col #1. The phonetic transliteration in English is shown next, or in Col #2, and is based upon words commonly pronounced like bat, cat, sat → fate, gate, hate → bait, trait → bay, nay, say → be, he, she → bet, pet, wet → bit, fit, sit → cot, dot, rot → boot, hoot, root → bout, rout → but, cut, hut, ultimatum. The English equivalent to the Arabic words (shown first, or in Col #1) are provided next, or in Col #3. Some other alternates in English used in other translations are given last, or in Col #4.


Chapter # 79                                  Soora-toon-Naa-zay-aat                             سُوۡرَةُ النَّازعَات

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ

وَالنّٰزِعٰتِ غَرۡقًا ۙ○  وَّالنّٰشِطٰتِ نَشۡطًا ۙ○  وَّالسّٰبِحٰتِ سَبۡحًا ۙ ○  فَالسّٰبِقٰتِ سَبۡقًا ○   ۙ‏ۙ‏ۙ‏
فَالۡمُدَبِّرٰتِ اَمۡرًا‌ ۘ‏○  يَوۡمَ تَرۡجُفُ الرَّاجِفَةُ ۙ‏○  تَتۡبَعُهَا الرَّادِفَةُ ؕ‏ ○ قُلُوۡبٌ يَّوۡمَٮِٕذٍ وَّاجِفَةٌ ۙ‏ ○ اَبۡصَارُهَا خَاشِعَةٌ‌ ۘ‏ ○ يَقُوۡلُوۡنَ ءَاِنَّا لَمَرۡدُوۡدُوۡنَ فِى الۡحَـافِرَةِ ؕ‏ ○ ءَاِذَا كُنَّا عِظَامًا نَّخِرَةً ؕ‏ ○ قَالُوۡا تِلۡكَ اِذًا كَرَّةٌ خَاسِرَةٌ‌ ۘ‏ ○ فَاِنَّمَا هِىَ زَجۡرَةٌ وَّاحِدَةٌ ۙ‏ ○ فَاِذَا هُمۡ بِالسَّاهِرَةِ ؕ○‏ هَلۡ اَتٰٮكَ حَدِيۡثُ مُوۡسٰى ۘ ○ اِذۡ نَادٰٮهُ رَبُّهٗ بِالۡوَادِ الۡمُقَدَّسِ طُوًى ۚ ○ اِذۡهَبۡ اِلٰى فِرۡعَوۡنَ اِنَّهٗ طَغٰى ۖ‏ ○ فَقُلۡ هَلۡ لَّكَ اِلٰٓى اَنۡ تَزَكّٰى ۙ ○  ‏ وَاَهۡدِيَكَ اِلٰى رَبِّكَ فَتَخۡشٰى ۚ ○ فَاَرٰٮهُ الۡاٰيَةَ الۡكُبۡرٰى ۖ‏ ○ فَكَذَّبَ وَعَصٰى ۖ‏ ○ ثُمَّ اَدۡبَرَ يَسۡعٰى ۖ‏ ○ فَحَشَرَ فَنَادٰى ۖ‏ ○ فَقَالَ اَنَا رَبُّكُمُ الۡاَعۡلٰى ۖ‏ ○ فَاَخَذَهُ اللّٰهُ نَڪَالَ الۡاٰخِرَةِ وَالۡاُوۡلٰى ؕ‏ ○ اِنَّ فِىۡ ذٰلِكَ لَعِبۡرَةً لِّمَنۡ يَّخۡشٰى ؕ‏ ○ ءَاَنۡتُمۡ اَشَدُّ خَلۡقًا اَمِ السَّمَآءُ‌ ؕ بَنٰٮهَا ۖ‏‏ ○ رَفَعَ سَمۡكَهَا فَسَوَّٮهَا ۙ‏○  وَ اَغۡطَشَ لَيۡلَهَا وَاَخۡرَجَ ضُحٰٮهَا ۖ‏ ○ ‏ وَالۡاَرۡضَ بَعۡدَ ذٰلِكَ دَحٰٮهَا ؕ‏ ○ اَخۡرَجَ مِنۡهَا مَآءَهَا وَمَرۡعٰٮهَا ۘ‏ ○ وَالۡجِبَالَ اَرۡسٰٮهَا ۙ‏○  مَتَاعًا لَّـكُمۡ وَلِاَنۡعَامِكُمۡ ؕ‏○  فَاِذَا جَآءَتِ الطَّآمَّةُ الۡكُبۡرٰى ۖ‏ ○ يَوۡمَ يَتَذَكَّرُ الۡاِنۡسَانُ مَا سَعٰى ۙ‏ ○ وَبُرِّزَتِ الۡجَحِيۡمُ لِمَنۡ يَّرٰى‏ ○ فَاَمَّا مَنۡ طَغٰى ۙ‏ ○  وَاٰثَرَ الۡحَيٰوةَ الدُّنۡيَا ۙ○  فَاِنَّ الۡجَحِيۡمَ هِىَ الۡمَاۡوٰى ؕ‏ ○  وَاَمَّا مَنۡ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهٖ وَ نَهَى النَّفۡسَ عَنِ الۡهَوٰى ۙ ○ فَاِنَّ الۡجَـنَّةَ هِىَ الۡمَاۡوٰى ؕ‏ ○  يَسۡـــَٔلُوۡنَكَ عَنِ السَّاعَةِ اَيَّانَ مُرۡسٰٮهَا ؕ‏ ○  فِيۡمَ اَنۡتَ مِنۡ ذِكۡرٰٮهَا ؕ‏ ○ اِلٰى رَبِّكَ مُنۡتَهٰٮهَا ؕ‏○ اِنَّمَاۤ اَنۡتَ مُنۡذِرُ مَنۡ يَّخۡشٰٮهَا ؕ○  كَاَنَّهُمۡ يَوۡمَ يَرَوۡنَهَا لَمۡ يَلۡبَثُوۡۤا اِلَّا عَشِيَّةً اَوۡ ضُحٰٮهَا‏

1. Bis-mil-laa-hir-rah-maa-nir-ra-heem
2. Wun-naa-zay-aa-tay-ghur-qun
3. Wun-naa-shay-taa-tay-nush-tun
4. Wus-saa-bay-haa-tay-sub-hun
5. Fus-saa-bay-qaa-tay-sub-qun
6. Ful-mo-dub-bay-raa-tay-um-run
7. Yao-ma-tur-jo-foor-raa-jay-fauh
8. Tut-ba-o-hur-raa-day-fauh
9. Qo-loo-boon-yao-ma-ezin-waa-jay-fauh
10. Ub-saa-ro-haa-kha-shay-auh
11. Ya-qoo-loo-na-aa-in-naa-la-mur-do-do-na-fil-haa-fe-rauh
12. Aa-ezaa-koon-naa-ezaa-mun-na-khay-rauh
13. Qaa-loo-til-ka-aay-zun-kur-ra-toon-kha-say-rauh
14. Fa-in-na-maa-hay-ya-zuj-ra-toon-waa-hay-dauh
15. Fa-ezaa-hoom-bis-saa-hay-rauh

16. Hull-ataa-ka-ha-dee-tho-moo-saa
17. Iz-naa-daa-ho-rub-bo-hoo-bil-waa-dil-mo-qud-da-say-to-waa
18. Iz-hub-elaa-phir-auo-na-in-na-hoo-ta-ghaa
19. Fa-qool-hul-la-ka-elaa-un-ta-zuk-kaa
20. Wa-auh-dee-ka-elaa-rub-bay-ka-fa-tugh-shaa
21. Fa-araa-hool-aa-ya-tool-koob-raa
22. Fa-kuz-za-ba-wa-asaa
23. Thoom-ma-ud-ba-ra-yus-aa
24. Fa-ha-sha-ra-fa-naa-daa
25. Fa-qaa-la-aa-na-rub-bo-ko-mool-au-laa
26. Fa-aa-kha-za-hool-laa-ho-na-kaa-lul-aa-khay-ra-tay-wul-oo-laa
27. In-na-fee-zaa-lay-ka-la-ib-ra-ton-la-mun-yukh-shaa

28. Aa-un-toom-aa-shud-do-khul-qun-aa-mis-sa-maa-o-ba-naa-haa
29. Ra-fa-aa-sum-ka-haa-fa-suw-wa-haa
30. Wa-ugh-ta-sha-lai-la-haa-wa-ukh-ra-ja-dzo-haa-haa
31. Wul-ur-dza-bau-da-zaa-lay-ka-dahaa-haa
32. Ukh-ra-ja-min-haa-maa-aa-haa-wa-mur-aa-haa
33. Wul-jay-baa-la-ur-saa-haa
34. Ma-taa-un-la-koom-wa-lay-un-aa-may-koom

35. Fa-ezaa-jaa-aa-tit-taam-ma-tool-koob-raa
36. Yao-ma-ya-ta-zuk-ka-rool-in-saa-no-maa-sa-aa
37. Wa-boor-ray-za-til-ja-he-mo-lay-mun-ya-raa
38. Fa-um-maa-mun-ta-ghaa
39. Wa-aa-tha-rul-ha-yaa-tud-doon-yaa
40. Fa-in-nul-ja-he-ma-hay-yul-mau-waa
41. Wa-um-maa-mun-khaa-fa-ma-qaa-ma-rub-bay-he-wa-na-hun-nuf-sa-aa-nil-ha-waa
42. Fa-in-nul-jun-na-ta-hay-yul-mau-waa

43. Yus-aloo-na-ka-aa-nis-saa-aa-tay-auy-yaa-na-moor-saa-haa
44. Fee-ma-un-ta-min-zik-raa-haa
45. Elaa-rub-bay-ka-moon-ta-haa-haa

46. In-na-maa-un -ta-moon-zay-ro-mun-yukh-shaa-haa
47. Ka-un-na-hoom-yao-ma-ya-rao-na-haa-lum-yul-ba-thoo-il-laa-aa-she-ya-tin-auo-dzho-haa-haa


1. With the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful I begin.
2. By those who invite to God, deeply dedicated
3. And by those who bond with God, really toughened
4. And by the fast movers, wholly determined
5. Then the go-getters excelling with the best conviction
6. Then the executives managing with the real production
7. You hear that day the sound of the first blow of the Trumpet
8. Following that the second blow of the Trumpet
9. That day the hearts trembling
10. Their eyes frightened
11. They would say, “Are we really going to be returned to old ways …
12. Would it be when we had been bones rotten
13. They would say, “Return of that kind would be a real loss”
14. Then indeed there would be only one shake
15. Then look! they all will be in the openness

16. Has come to you the history of Moses
17. When his God called him in the Holy valley of To-waa
18. Go to Pharaoh. He surely has rebelled.
19. Then ask, “Do you have a plan to cleanse (= How about cleansing) yourself?”
20. And I can guide you to your God so you will fear Him
21. So he (Moses) showed him (Pharaoh) the Tremendous Sign
22. But he (Pharaoh) denied and disobeyed
23. Then he turned away hurrying
24. So he gathered his people. Then he announced
25. Then He said, “I am your Lord, the Supreme.”
26. So Allah set him up as an example for those yet to come and those gone by
27. Most certainly in this is a lesson for whoever fears God

28. Were you harder to create or the sky that He built
29. He raised its pitch. Then He perfected it
30. And He darkened its night. And He brought out its bright forenoon
31. And after that He spread the earth
32. He produced from it its water and its pasture
33. And the mountains, He firmed them up
34. As provisions for you and for your cattle

35. Then when the Great Disaster has arrived
36. The day man would remember all that he had pursued
37. And the Hell opened up for whoso could see
38. Thus as regards he who rebelled
39. And preferred the present life
40. Then surely it is the Hell that is the abode
41. And as regards who feared standing before his God and restrained himself from lust
42. Then surely it is the paradise that is the abode

43. They ask you about the Hour, “When would it arrive?”
44. Regarding that how can you tell?
45. With your God is its ultimate answer

46. You certainly are a Warner for anyone who fears it
47. The day they see it surely would be to them like they had not stayed in this life except a night or its one day.


The Holy Qor-aan                                         079:001                                  ○بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ‏‏


With the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful I begin

(Beginning, commencing, starting)

  • بِ — B…(is) — With (= This Arabic word literally means ‘with’. Its translation in English is more accurate with ‘with’ than with ‘in’)
  • سۡمِ — Ism…(il) — The name of (= The way to be addressed or called)
  • اللهِ — Laa-h…(ir) — Allah (= The Almighty God; the One Only worthy of worship)
  • الرَّحۡمٰنِ — Rah-maa-n(ir) — The Most Beneficent (= The One who fully, totally and wholly benefits all, to the maximum, with no condition, limitation or restriction. Compassionate. Gracious)
  • الرَّحِيۡمِ — Ra-heem — The Most Merciful (= The One who fully, totally and wholly showers mercy, to the maximum, again and again, continually, indefinitely and perpetually like the endlessly incoming waves from the oceans)

Continued: See 079:002 to 015

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