Mullah’s Jihad is no road to peace (303)

Islaam – 303

Mullah’s Jihad is no road to Peace

Islam offers peace even without Jihad.  Contrary to the claims of many confused zealots today, Islam does not condone random violence or the senseless murder of innocents.  The people who seize on isolated verses in the Holy Qor-aan mistakenly take those provisions out of context and twist them to justify their own heinous acts.  Meanwhile, the real meaning of Jihad remains widely misunderstood.

This post consolidates commentary on the various aspects of Jihad [transliterated accurately as Jay-haad]. A fuller coverage has necessitated its division in several posts.

  1. Mullah’s Jihad is no road to peace
  2. Jihad is Striving for the good – from the roots of  ق ت   ل   &  ج  ه  د
  3. Jihad is waged with one’s wealth, self, and pen
  4. Jihad: is it Fighting? from the root of  ق ت   ل
  5. Jihad is not a War of Aggression
  6. Jihad is prohibited as a War – from the root of  ج  ه  د
  7. Jihad-as-aggression is a crime
  8. Mullah’s Jihad is not the Key to Peace
  9. Law of war  حِ   ر  ب
  10. World peace through law and not war
  11. Live by the law of the land
  12. The Obedience


  1. Mullah’s Jihad is no road to peace gives a brief synopsis of the other posts and shows how the doctrine of Jihad has been perverted. The twisted version of Jihad fabricated by mullahs and practiced by Muslim states essentially is a war, and all wars beget wars. Wars invariably alienate the losers, allowing them to rise with greater fervor.
    • Alexander warred to conquer the world, but after he was killed in India all he had conquered returned to as it was before.
    • After Moslems conquered Southeast Europe, ethnic cleansing continued for the next 500 years. In the early 20th Century AD, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, genocide continued in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, and later in Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, etc.
    • The British crushed the Free-India movement by calling it the rebellion of 1857.  But the movement returned much stronger until it threw the British out of India in 1947.
    • The Allied Powers defeated Germany in WWI. The German delegate signed the surrender document in Versailles in 1919 and, construing the terms as humiliating, stormed out of the room saying “See you in twenty years.”  In 1939, Adolph Hitler launched Europe into WWII.
    • No war in human history has ever produced real lasting peace. Jihad is no exception.
  1. Jihad is Striving for the good does the inverse by starting out with what jihad is not and then explains what it is as communicated by the Arabic roots of ق ت   ل   and  ج  ه  د. The Holy Qor-aan never mandated murdering anyone and its Best Precedent-Setter Holy Prophet Mohammad s.a.w never hurt anyone except when attacked. Yet criminals acting in the name of Islam keep killing innocents in countries such as in Afghanistan, Australia, France, India, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey and the USA.
  2. Jihad is waged with one’s wealth, self, and pen explains how the Holy Qor-aan exhorted believers to dedicate their resources, lives, and voices to righteous struggle in the name of Allah.
  3. Jihad: is it Fighting? raises questions and urges the reader not to treat them as closely considered issues. It is intended to jolt the reader’s mind to explore further. It provides the primary meanings of the root ق  ت   ل   from which many words flow such as act in self-defense, fight back, oppose, push back, resist, retaliate, strive or struggle. Secondarily, it can connote fight, attack, battle, combat or war.
  4. Jihad is not a War of Aggression argues that associating violence with Islam is under inclusive since all empires have historically been violent. The verses 002:154 to 158 merit to be studied together because they provide a Rule of Universal Application that applies to all human beings.
  5. Jihad is prohibited as a War explains what jihad is, and also moves into what isn’t. It explains that the narrow right of righteous self-defense cannot be translated into political violence. Ordinary meanings of words derived from the root ج  ه  د do not involve violence, but instead imply communicating, talking and settling disagreements by peaceful dialogue and conversation. The noun from this root ‘Je-haad’ (incorrectly spelled as Jihad) means striving hard by exerting strong will.
  6. Jihad-as-aggression is a crime reproduces an extract from the Report of the Court of Inquiry constituted under Punjab Act II of 1954 to enquire into the Punjab Disturbances of 1953 – Published by the Superintendent, Government Printing Press, Punjab. 1954. Part IV.
  7. Mullah’s Jihad is not the Key to Peace illustrates several nicer alternatives that lead to real long-lasting peace. The verse 002:178 of the Holy Qor-aan summarizes what Islam really is notwithstanding some translations.
  8. Law of war explores references provided in the Holy Qor-aan and the meanings of Arabic root of  حِ  ر   ب  as distinguished from those of war or Jihad.
  9. World peace through law and not war explains that fair laws guarantee peace that will spread out in the world. Nor can one set of rules for the powerful and another for the weak, the meek and the minorities ever entail peace.
  10. Live by the law of the land shows how the Holy Prophet s.a.w lived according to the law of the land, both when he lived in Makkah and later on in Madina.
  11. The Obedience states the rule provided in the Holy Qor-aan in several verses, and explains how the clergy picked just one verse to lay foundations for their own schools of thoughts and create new sects and sub-sects in Islam.


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