The Best Economic Plan

The Best Economic Plan

The verses (092:001 to 022) provide a simple but effective Economic Plan for the fiscal growth and financial security in a man’s personal, familial and societal life. It is like a whole semester’s study course in economics compacted in 21 brief sentences and rounded with spiritual aspects.

The three oaths in verses 002 to 004 refer to the natural phenomenon which every human being experiences every day. Verse 005 states that most people pursue several objectives. It is like a blind person who stretches arms in his perpetually dark world to find a direction. Every ambitious enterprising enthusiast has apparently been taught the same single plan. The hunger for his economic growth mandates his pursuing several goals simultaneously. The quest forces him to throw lots of mud up a wall hoping that some of it will get stuck. The greed keeps lit in him a fire to acquire and accumulate worldly assets as fast as he can. Diverse pursuit of several scattered targets cause confusion, dilute efforts and bring failure.

The verses 006 to 012 stat the problem and give the best plan to produce solid gains.
1. They exhort man to hail high the Truth, pursue piety and donate to charity – and in return get the guaranteed passage to easy life and prosperity.
2. They spell out the consequence of the opposites. Belie the truth, behave indifferently, act miserly – and fall fast to hardships, conflicts, disruptions and adversity.
3. They summarize the conclusion that disregarding the plan will bring total ruin which can’t be repelled with all the money, wealth and assets man may acquire and amass.

Sharing one’s good fortune with the less fortunate benefits plenteously both the giver and taker. Replacing diverse efforts with focused attention on one goal generally generates greater success. Implementing the highlighted plan spurs one to practice more religiously, rigorously and vigorously. Making concerted, concentrated and coordinated endeavor in one single field reaps rapid rewards. Specialization in a legal, medical, academic and professional arena is just one of many advantages. The consequence of such single-minded work is better results, greater fruit and more to donate in piety. The end of confusion establishes a virtual cycle of hard work, higher productivity, more spirituality. As one gets closer to God and gets peace for himself he spreads calm all around right from his taker. Fine-tuned further by 023:011/012 the divine plan is elaborated all over again in 070:030 to 036.

Verses 013 and 014 reiterate the universal truths and God’s guidance. He controls the present and the future and makes Man recall the past as a learning process. Verses 015 to 019 show the Fire one flies in by flouting the plan or can avoid by following it. The last three verses tell how the donations must be to delight God and not expect a reward. Over fourteen centuries God delivered the most productive economic plan He had designed. About 1200 years later the experience of man and Industrialization Age found that was true. Productivity was maximized by paying 1/4th of revenue to all economic activity components. Distributing 25% of revenue to land, labor, capital and management balanced the economy. Most fair wealth-distribution!!

But then the human greed got the upper hand. The capital devoured over 25% birthing the Capitalism. The management grabbed over 25% and produced Communism. The labor dragged in over 25% and bred Socialism. And the greed gave Man the unrest and wars that have stretched over centuries. Would man ever revert to the economic plan God gave him!

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