The Holy Spirit

The (Holy) Spirit

The verse 017:086 tells of a question people ask about the Spirit and provides an answer that this “Matter lies in the domain of Allah and you are not given its knowledge except a little.”

One question is answered by mentioning that the Spirit and the angels a) would ‘stand in rows‘ (078:039) on that day before the Almighty God, b) are ‘sent to His servants‘ (016:003), do c) ‘ascend to Him‘ (070:005) and d) ‘descend to the earth‘ (097:005). Such descriptions clearly show the Spirit as the Chief of the Angels who like an army General is in the lead while other angels stand behind their leader like the soldiers — in rows and according to their ranks.

Another question for which the Almighty God provided a limited information to humans is as follows.
a. It is part of Him (019:018).
b. It comes from Him (015:030, 038,073).
c. It has come to ‘you’ (042:053).
d. It is breathed in man when balancing him with the hearing, seeing and a heart (032:010)
e. It came to the chaste woman (021:092) named Mary (004:172).

Translations have generally agreed that the said ‘Spirit’ is also called the ‘Trusted’ Spirit which poured this [The Holy Qor-aan] into your heart (026:194) and the ‘Holy’ Spirit which has supported prophets like “Jesus son of Mary” (002:088).

Translators have disagreed on some issues. A Yusuf Ali added rise to the Judgment-Seat in his Note and overruled the dominant view. The Almighty God (after repeating some of the contents of 006:166 in 043:033) said in 043:034, “If all men were not to become of one type, He would have given His deniers silver stairs to climb up and reach Him.” Interpreting from this that the virtuous human beings become angels after dying appears a bit stretch. That is why the readers should take a pinch of salt when they come across the following words.
• The Note 2651 by M Muhammad Ali stated that the Holy Spirit was “the spirit of man when it leaves the earthly body.”
• The Note 5911 by A Yusuf Ali concluded that “It is better to take a wider meaning – the souls of men collectively as they rise to the Judgment-Seat of God.”

We have yet to come across any known divine revelation to the effect that the virtuous people turn into angels when they die. In the world of fiction, however, there was a TV series in which the spirit of an evil-doer ran amuck until it had performed a good deed, and after doing one assigned good deed the spirit of that evil-doer also turned into an angel.

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