Azam Ali, an Ahmadi Moslem
Chapter Twenty-One
Universal Rules
Following are some of the Rules of Universal Application laid down in the Holy Qor-aan. Some are set down as prayers. I saw my father practice them all the time. Some he did when an occasion arose. Others I was not around to physically see a rule followed but we enjoyed their fruits every day, everywhere, even thousands of miles away in various countries and different continents.
002:129 Rub-ba naa wa-uj-ul naa moos-lay-mai-na la ka wa min zoo-ree-ya-tay naa oom-ma-ton mos-lay-ma-taun la ka = Please God! Make my family obedient to You and raise among them a whole big nation of those who are Obedient to You.
002:157 Ul-la-zee-na aiy-zaa aa-saa-but hoom mo-see-ba-toon qaa-loo in-naa lay il-laa-hay wa in-naa elai ha raa-jay-oon = When misfortune strikes them, they say that all belongs to Allah.
002:169 Ko-loo mim-maa fee il-ur-dzay ha-laa-lun toy-ya-bun wa la-tut-ta-bay-oo ho-to-waa-tay ish-shai-taa-n = Eat of lawful and clean food and do not follow the footsteps of Satan.
002:173 Ko-loo min toy-yay-baa-tay maa ra-zauq naa koom wa ush-ko-roo lay il-laa-hay = Eat of the clean foods We gave you and thank Allah
002:174 In-na maa hur-ra-ma alai ko-mo ol-mai-ta-ta wa ud-da-ma wa lauh-ma ul-khin-zee-ray wa maa o-hil-la bay-he lay ghai-ray il-laa-hay + 005:004 = Prohibited is Dead, Blood, Swine and all devout for anyone besides Allah.
002:186 Yo-ree-do ol-laa-ho bay ko-mo ol-yoos-ra wa laa yo-ree-do bay ko-mo ol-oos-r = Allah intends ease for you. And He intends no hardship for you.
002:187 Wa e-zaa sa-aa-la-ka ebaa-dee un-nee fa in-nee qa-ree-boon o-jee-bo dau-wa-ta ud-daa-aiy ezaa da-aa-nay = Tell My people when they ask you, “I’m very close. I answer a call from the caller when calls me”
002:202 Rub-ba naa aa-tay-naa fee id-doon-yas ha-sa-na-ton wa fee il-aa-kha-ra-tay ha-sa-na-ton wa-qay naa aa-zaa-bun-naa-r = God! Grant us the best in this life and Hereafter and save us from of Fire.
002:249 Yau-tay-ya ko-mo taa-boo-to fee hay sa-kee-na-toon min rub-bay koom = A (treasure) chest comes to you from your God with is peace & prosperity.
002:257 Laa ik-raa-ha fee id-dee-nay … wa yoe-min ay bil-laa-hay fa qa-d is-tum-sa-ka bay il-oor-wa-tay il-woos-qaa = No compulsion in religion … Belief in Allah is holding an unbreakable rope.
002:285 Lay il-laa-hay maa fee is-sa-maa-waa-tay wa maa fee il-ur-dzay = All in heaven and earth belongs to Allah. He controls everything.
002:286 Sa-mae naa wa aa-tau naa ghoof-raa-na ka rub-ba naa wa alai ka ul-ma-see-r = God! We heard and we obeyed. Please forgive us. To you are the Return.
002:287 Wa u-fo un naa wa ugh-fer la naa wa ur-hum naa un-ta mao-laa naa fa un-soor naa alul qao-may il-kaa-fay-ree-n = God! Excuse us. Forgive us. Show us mercy. You are our friend. Help us against Disbelievers.
003:137 O-laa-aiy-ka ja-zaa-o hoom maugh-fay-ra-toon mir rub-bay him wa jaun-naa-tin tauj-ree min tauh-tay-a hul-un-haa-ro khaa-lay-de-na fee haa wa naiy-ma uj-ro ol-aa-may-lee-n = Reward for them is God’s forgiveness and their Gardens … to live in it forever. An excellent reward for the doers of good.
003:186 Kool-lo-nuf-sin-zaa-aiy-qa-tul-mao-tay + 021:036 + 029:058 = All taste death.
004:029 Kho-lay-qa ul-in-saa-no dza-ee-faa = Man was created weak.
004:059 Wa ezaa ha-kaum toom bai-na un-naa-say un tauh-ko-moo bay il-ud-lay = And when you decide among people that you decide with justice.
005:009 Koo-noo quw-wa-mee-na lil-laahay sho-ha-daa-a bil-quis-tay … Wa laa yuj-re-mun-na kooom sha-na-aa-no qow-min alaa ul-laa taa-de-loo … Aiy-de-loo ho-wa uq-ra-bo lit-tuq-waa … Wut-ta qool laa-ha. In-null-ha kha-bee-romb-be-maa tau-ma-loon = Be just in evidence for the sake of Allah. Let not hostility for some people incite you to do injustice. Do justice. It is the nearest to piety. Do duty to Allah. Allah knows what you do.
005:043 In-na ul-laa-ha yo-hib-bool mooq-say-tee-n = Allah loves the Just people.
006:015 In-nee o-mir-to un aa-koo-na uw-wa-la mun us-la-ma wa laa ta-koo-nun-na may-na ul-moosh-ray-kee-n = I’m ordered to be a top Obedient and not an idolater.
006:124 Wa ka zaa-lay-ka ja-ul naa fee kool-lay qur-ya-tin akaa-bay-ra mooj-ray-mee haa lay yum-ko-roo fee haa = And this is how in every township We made the big folks its criminals.
006:143 Ko-loo min maa ra-za-qa ko-mool laa-ho wa laa tut-ta-bay-oo kh-to-waa-tay ish-shai-taan = Eat from what Allah gave you and do not step into Satan’s footsteps.
006:152 Wa laa tauq-to-loo auo-laa-da koom min im-laa-q = Do not kill your children due to poverty. The Rule is repeated in 017:032 with one different word.
006:164 Laa sha-re-ka la hoo wa bay zaa-lay-ka o-mir-to wa aa-na auw-wa-lo ol-moos-lay-mee-n = He has no partner. And I’m ordered to be a first class Obedient.
010:105 O-mir-to un aa-koo-na may-na ul- moe-may-nee-na = I am commanded to be among the Believers.
011:042 Bay iss-may il-laa-hay mauj-re haa wa moor-saa haa = I start this journey with the name of Allah and that He keeps this vehicle moving .
012:102 Rub bay quad aa-taiy-ta nee may nul mool-kay wa ullum-ta-nee min au-vee-lay il aa-haa-ee-thay … un-ta wa lee-yee fee doon-yaa wa-ul aa-khay-ra-tay = God! You gave me Authority. You taught m interpreting vents. You are my friend in this life and the Hereafter.
013:029 Bay zik-ray il-la-hay tut-ma-in-na ul-qo-loob = With the remembrance of Allah, hearts, minds and souls are comforted.
014:008 Wa iz ta-uz-za-na rub-bo koom la in sha-kaur toom la aa-ze-daun-na koom = Your God has announced, “If you thank Me, I give you more.” And if you behave ungratefully, then My punishment is very severe.
014:041 Rub-bay ij-ul-nee mo-qee-ma us-sa-laa-tay wa min zoor-re-ya-tee Rub-ba naa wa ta qaub-bul do-aa aiy = God! Make me and my progeny observe prayers. Please accept our prayers.
014: 042 Rub-ba naa ugh-fir lee wa ly waa-lay-duy-ya wa lil-mo-may-nee-na yao-ma ya-qoo-mo ol-hay-saa-b = God! Forgive me, my parents and Believers the day accounting takes place.
016:126 Ood-o elaa sa-be-lay rub-ba-ka bay il-hik-ma-tay wa ul-mao-aiy-za- tay il-ha-sa-na-tay = Call to the way of your God with wisdom and good ways.
017:079 Wa may-na ul-lai-lay fa ta-hauj-jaud = Strive and pray the Ta-huj-jaud.
017:081 Rub-bay ud-khil-nee mood-kha-a sid-qin was ukh-rij nee moogh-ra-ja sid-qin wa uj-ul-nee min la doon-ka sool-taa-nun na-see-ra = God! Grant me the Entry and Exit of the Truthful. And set up for me an authority that is always helpful.
018:066 Ub-dun min ibaa-day-naa aa-tai-naa-ho rah-ma-ton min in-day naa wa ul-lum naa ho min la-doon naa il-maa = One of Our servants. We showed him Mercy from Us. And We taught him knowledge from Us
020:015 Rub-bay zid-nee il-maa = God! Please increase my knowledge.
021:108 Wa maa ur-sul-naa ka i-lla rah-ma-ton lay il-aa-la-meen = We have not sent you (O! Prophet Mohammad, s.a.w.) but as a blessing for the Universe.
023:022 Noos-qee koom min-maa fee bo-too-nay haa wa la koom fee haa ma-naa-fay-o ka-see-ra-toon wa min haa-tau-ko-loon = We provide you with a drink what comes out of their bellies. And for you there are lots of benefits in it and from that you eat.
026:081 + 13 Wa ezaa ma-ridz-to fa ho wa yaush-fee-nay … wa ul-la-zee yo-me-to nee thoom-ma yoh-ye-nay = And He cures me when I fall ill. And He causes my death and then brings me back alive. I heard this prayer repeated aloud in many, many Ishaa (the nightly, last of the Five Daily) prayers that he led.
033:022 La koom fee ra-soo-lay il-laa-ha oos-wa-toon ha-sa-na-toon = For you in the Messenger of Allah is the Best Example. Later in 060:005 the Prophet Ibrahim, a.s., and still later in 060:007 his followers are also quoted as the Best Examples.
036:069 Wa mun no-um-mir ho no-nuk-kis ho fee il-khaul-qay = The human body weaken as one advances in age.
038:027 In-aa ja-ul naa ka kha-lee-fa-ton fee il-ur-dzay fa uh-koom bai-na un-aa-say bay il-hauq-qay wa laa tut-ta-bay ul-ha-waa fa yo dzil-la-ka un sa-bee-lay il-laa-hay = Initial command to prophet David, a.s.; but then on for anyone set up in Judicial a Capacity: “We made you represent Me on earth. Judge among people equitably. Don’t follow whims; that will take you away from Allah’s path.”
039:037 Aa lai saul al-laa-ho bay kaa-fin ub-da-hoo = Is not Allah sufficient for His servant? 039:038 to take revenge. And 095:009 as the Best of Judges?
048:005 Ho waul-la ze un-za-laus sa-ke-na-ta fee qo-loo-bay il-moe-ma-nee-n lay yauz-daa-do ee-maa-nay-him = He landed peace and prosperity in the hearts of the believers in order to increase their Faith.
055:042 Yoe ray fool mooj-ray-moo-na bay see-maa hoom fa yoe-kha-zo bay in-na-waa-see wa ul-uq-daa-m = The criminals recognized by their markings and carried by the forelocks and the feet.
061:003 Lay-ma ta-qoo-loo-na maa laa tauf-aa-loo-na = Say and do the same thing congruently. And in next verse 061:004, “Don’t say what you don’t do.”
093:012 Wa um-maa bay ne-ma-tay rub-bay ka fa hud-dih = And as far the blessing of your God, talk of them humbly, thankfully.
Surah 109 Qool yaa auy-yo haul kaa-fay roo na … } Abba Ji prayed with these } words. He prayed that way } frequently. Surah 112 Qool ho-wa ul-laa-ho aa-haud … } He prayed by reciting them } aloud in the Daily Prayers } when the loud Surah 113 Qool aa oo-zo bay rub-ba il-fa-laq … } recitation was allowed. He } prayed so for all kinds of } protection for all that Surah 114 Qool aa oo-zo bay rub-bay naa-say … } he cared for children, family } and friends, very generously, } constantly.