
Whispering – Prayer to protect from

The 114:001 starts with God’s names and urges man to seek His protection from the evil of whispering – gossips, idle talks, innuendos, secrets, whispers and all kinds of he-said, they-said, you-said and I-said.

The word يُوَسۡوِسُ (yo-wus-way-so) is a verb in present and future tense (Mo-dzaa-ray). Its best translation is whispers’ or ‘incites’ – a transitive verb. Other equivalents of this word can be any person or thing that creates incitement, that grows, sneaks or suggests bad thoughts, that causes images to crop up in one’s mind or that develops images of wild wicked imagination.

The noun of aforesaid verb is (وَسۡوَاسِ, wus-waas) that means whispering. It includes acts of sneaking, conjuring witches, gossips, incitements, innuendos, insinuations, and suggestions made by other people as well as secret, silent or slinking ideas that crop up from nowhere.

Although it is the mind where all ideas arise, in Arabic the expression used is arising in صُدُور (so-doo-r, plural of sa-dur) that literally means ‘hearts’ and has been translated as ‘bosoms, breasts, chests and souls.

This verb يُوَسۡوِسُ signifies the commencement of an unending process of just imagined situations. Everyone suffers occasional bouts of evil thoughts that stem from some smell, scene or memory. The original thought and reaction appear out of thin air as if someone had secretly whispered them. The time-wasting unproductive mental gymnastic sequence keeps growing, often exponentially. The wild imagination occasionally slows down as if to evaluate the impact of the initial whispering. Diminishing or dissipation of these wild evil thoughts is short-lived but return stronger, severer. After a brief lull the suggestive injection invariably lunges forward with much mightier onslaught. Successive waves of pure imagination, brief reprieves and day dreaming establish vicious cycle. The thought process grows more lucrative by the minute as most efforts to curb or control it fail. Most people experience them and succumbing to them is easy like flowing in a downhill torrent. Stopping such unproductive chain of thoughts is hard and is tantamount to climbing uphill path. Checking these useless wild flights involving unreal out-of-life episodes just imagined is not easy. However, they are surmountable with the help of the prayers, patience and persistence (002:046).

Verses 002:068, 002:209; 003:037, 023: 098, 025:066; 041:037 and Soorah 114 provide prayers. A heavy dose of will-power coupled with these prayers are effective to suppress all evil tendencies. The roots to all mischief in the world are conceived ignoble thoughts, ideas, designs plans and plots. The prayers seeking God’s protection are the proven strategy to ward off those.

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