Prophet Mohammad, A Blessing to the Universe

Prophet Mohammad s.a.w, A Blessing to the Universe

Verse 021:018 stated the phrase رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ using the pronoun كَ but not the name of the Holy Prophet s.a.w.   Many translations limited themselves to the title-taking aspect and applied the pronoun to only the Holy Prophet s.a.w.   But a role-playing aspect of the phrase by some men who are not bothered by the title-taking aspect also appears from the following facts.

1.   As the only intended addressee the Holy Prophet s.a.w is named four times in the Holy Qor-aan (see our Commentary Islam, Qor-aan, Mohammad, Relationship).   All other Commandments and Prohibitions are laid down by using the pronoun كَ (meaning ‘you’) and addressing the divine message initially to the Holy Prophet s.a.w and secondarily to every Moslem, in fact to every human being.   See the Note 002:005.

2.   The Holy Qor-aan could not have rendered redundant its teachings in verse 021:108 by the passing away of the Holy Prophet s.a.w as its solitary addressee, or left Moslems with obsolete teachings that they could not practice, or prevented many others from becoming a blessing to the mankind.   Wrongly concluding up to 20% of it as obsolete under the Theory of Abrogation is not endorsed by most Moslems nor by us at this site.

3.   The Holy Qor-aan is the total wisdom, for all times to come and no joke.   It must have a reason for using in this verse the pronoun كَ , and not one man’s name.   As a prophecy it foretold its readers that any of them could play the role of a miniature رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ by following the Best Exemplar s.a.w (033:022) — like a mirror illuminating around him by reflecting sun’s light without ever equaling or diminishing the brightness of the sun.

4.   The Holy Qor-aan declared him s.a.w as the Messenger for all mankind (034:029) and the translations of الۡعٰلَمِيۡنَۙ as ‘all beings, life, creation, creatures and the Jinn’ substantiate that some individuals will shine that light to the dark corners where the Direct Sunlight has not yet reached.   The Reformers (Mujudd-e-deen) predicted by him s.a.w have rendered those services for nearly fifteen centuries.   The Reformers never claimed that title of رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِين but played that role in many big ways.   These Reformers were a lot more humble than the Moslem armies, businessmen, caliphs, clergy, dictators, generals, kings, rulers and even those who founded new sects or religions by taking out some of the Commands from the Holy Qor-aan.

5.   A founding father figure who heads and starts a long line of Blessings-to-the-Universe is logically more beneficial to the mankind than the services one finite life-span can render.   Mankind is growing and Moslems started with one person at the end of 7th century AD.   Exceeding 1.3 billion fourteen centuries later Moslems must depend on God’s blessings.   Knowledge spreads and goes higher when founded upon the basics already established.   Schools push the Old Heads to newer heights by starting students from earlier shoulders.   Even a plant started from a seed or sapping is a tribute to the Original by producing the fruit or fragrance similar to that of the Original.   All this is in accordance with the law of nature.   All this happens for man’s greater good.   Many have played and many will play the role under the master-banner of رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ (Blessings-to-the-Universe) s.a.w.

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