Qibla Changed

Qibla changed to Kau-ba

The verses 002:145, 002:150 and 002:151 directed Moslems to turn to Kau’ba as their Qiblah which is the direction to face when offering the prayers.   They were commanded that way in three separate verses.   Before that people followed different scriptures, worshiped with their faces turned in different directions and did not agree on a common Qibla.   The People of the Book, Jews and Christians, despite disagreeing with each other wanted Moslems to follow their religions [002:121].

Islam fixed one Qibla by commanding فَوَلِّ وَجۡهَكَ شَطۡرَ الۡمَسۡجِدِ الۡحَـرَام.   The Holy Prophet s.a.w was leading a congregational prayer when he received aforesaid revelation.   The Moslems praying with him s.a.w had followed in an immediate compliance with the revelation.   The verse 002:146 states that the disbelievers didn’t accept the Qibla that was fixed for Moslems.   Both verses 002:121 and 002:146 repeated the assurance that he s.a.w had received true knowledge.   But the consequences for flouting the verses are different.  002:121 warns of no help from God.   002:146 states the act to be of wrongdoers.

The initial addressee كَ (you) was the Holy Prophet s.a.w who violated no Command.   But the ultimate recipients of this change are all people, whether or not they follow him s.a.w.   The opponents wanted to stop Moslems from worshiping by facing towards the Qibla in Kau’ba.   But Moslems were told not to be of the wrongdoers (002:146) who acted wrongfully (002:151).

Initially the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was singly addressed in a 2nd person format with the Command فَوَلِّ وَجۡهَكَ شَطۡرَ الۡمَسۡجِدِ الۡحَـرَامِ (fa-wul-lay-wuj-ha-ka-shut-rul-mus-je-dil-ha-raam =
So now you turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque).   This direction was repeated three times which are part of above-mentioned three verses 002:145, 002:150 and 002:151.

Eventually all his followers were collectively addressed in a 2nd person format with the Commandوَحَيۡثُ مَا كُنۡتُمۡ فَوَلُّوۡا وُجُوۡهَكُمۡ شَطۡرَهٗ ‌ (wa-hai-tho-maa-koon-toom-fa-wul-loo-wo-joo-ha- koom-shut-ra-hoo = And wherever you may have been you then turn your faces in its direction).    This direction was repeated twice which are parts of the verses 002:145 and 002:151.

Additionally everyone was assured that the Command changing the Qibla was in fact the Truth.   It was revealed once that the People of the Book knew it – 002:145.   And all others were told twice that the change had indeed been made by the Almighty God – 002:148 and 002:150.

Moslems who used to pray by facing towards Jerusalem were directed to start facing the Kau’ba.   The Holy Prophet s.a.w and those offering prayers with him changed the Qibla during one prayer.   The location where the Holy Prophet s.a.w was leading the congregational prayer was a mosque.   That history-making event has been commemorated by naming the mosque as that of Qibla-tain.   Offering prayer there makes one feel as if one were participating in the first filling of Command.   The mosque is greatly expanded and today is one inspiring multi-storied beautiful construction.   During our visits to Mecca we got the opportunity to offer there a brief supererogatory prayers.   The experience can’t be described fully since one must go there to feel what praying there means.

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