War of aggression is no Islam


War of aggression is no Islam

See our Commentary titled Mullah’s Jihad is no road to peace, which collects and links to a dozen other Commentaries related to different aspect of Jihad.

The West feels threatened because it cannot understand why “Muslims should be prepared not only to lay down their lives in the cause of Islam but should also be prepared to suffer all kinds of afflictions” [Malik Ghulam Farid in his Note # 182 to the verse 002:156].

The verse 002:208 states that “Among men is he who sells his soul seeking the pleasure of Allah.”    But A Yusuf Ali translated it as the “Type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of God.”    The benign nature of his translation and the constructive purpose is explained in foot Note 279.    Yet his choice of words conveyed quite a bit of militancy in preparing one to give life and get killed.    Still even that does not justify financing, recruiting, indoctrinating and training a suicide-bomber.

But no one can purge from Moslem literature all that is placed there in the last fourteen centuries.   All in the West and all in the East prepare their soldiers to die for the safety of those back home.   Ask any recruiter who must keep beefing up his country’s army to claim being the world’s best.   Ask any trainer who must sharpen the killing skills of all uniformed soldiers to be ready for war.   Ask any pilot who must fly home dead in the body bags or injured on stretchers.

The Holy Qor-aan has spelled out its teachings for the entire mankind.    All people have been instructed by the verses 002:154 to 002:158 that must be studied together.    The first two urge everyone to beseech for the help of the Almighty God by persistent prayers.    The last two verses offer solace and show how to cope with a loss as all must suffer sometime.    The central 002:156 explains how every human will have to suffer in some way during his life.    Altogether  these verses provide a Rule of Universal Application which appliesto all alike.

Yet the extrapolations of these verses vary widely.   Some allege to justify Jihad as a holy war.  Others try to criticize Jihad as a genocide.  Hardliners on both extremes advance confusingly indistinguishable arguments.  The Holy Qor-aan does not mandate indiscriminate unholy fighting which the Jihadists notoriously practice.  Killing the innocents members of any faith is no holy war by any stretch of imagination.  The kindness presented in Islam must be shown by the actions of insiders, not merely shown in translating words to the insiders.

We are not new in trying to make sense out of all that.   “Islam follows the Golden Mean. All well-regulated societies lay down reasonable limitations.   These become incumbent on all loyal members of any given society, and show what is ‘lawful’ in that society” – A. Yusuf Ali.    Our several Commentaries including the following floodlight many involved issues.

Law – Jihad- Is Striving For The GoodLaw

Law – Jihad prohibited as a war

Law – Jihad, defined by the High Court

Law –  Jihad, Is It Fighting.

Man has always fought with man.    The earliest story in the recorded history of man is of one son of Adam who killed his brother.    From the hurting to the killing always was preceded by some kind of real or perceived fear.    Sometime the excuse was the anticipated threat which was retaliated by a preemptive strike.    Other times it was a pure greed to get money, power or control that someone else got first.    There were ambitions to conquer the world or have the sun never set on their nation’s empire.    Evangelical determinations sought to convert everyone to the religions their clergy preached.    Small nations negotiated trade relations and then stepped up to enslave much larger nations.    But each surge urged someone else to lay his life for the touted good of those back home.

Alexander, Genghis Khan and Tamerlane of the medieval ages may have had their spirits incarnated in Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin of the modern era.   But the zealots of the communism, socialism, capitalism and fanaticism are modern equivalents of Christian crusades and Moslem conquests.   Their first waves of onslaught may have taken some gifts, gone to buy spices, taught to drill oil, or spread an economic or social service.   But the supporting swarms following them revealed their real intent:

  • By wearing masks of do-gooders yet focused solely on benefiting their motherland
  • By ruling and controlling other countries, such as India was ruled for nearly 200 years
  • By initially preparing their own to fight and kill but eventually tutoring their loyal subjects to fight and kill for them such as was done in WWII.

Likewise some criminals hijacked some reasonable provisions relative to wars; see our Commentary Law of War.     They fabricated some unwarranted theories; see our Commentary titled as the Abrogation Theory.     They distorted the most rational approach to peace in most heinous crime against the humanity.    Their conduct has shown them as criminals covering their nefarious activity with religious masks.     Their wave of crimes using terms like Ghazi, Shaheed and Khilafut does not sanctify it as a Jihad.     They truly don’t have even the remotest connection with real Islaam that they use only as a cover.   Shaving heads, growing beards, killing helpless children or women who wage no war is no Isslaam.   The truth is that Jihad-war of aggression is no Isslaam – and – Isslaam allows no war of aggression.

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