The Holy Qor-aan 006:114
وَلِتَصۡغٰٓى اِلَيۡهِ اَفۡـِٕـِٕدَةُ الَّذِيۡنَ لَا يُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ بِالۡاٰخِرَةِ وَلِيَرۡضَوۡهُ وَلِيَقۡتَرِفُوۡا مَا هُمۡ مُّقۡتَرِفُوۡنَ
Wa-lay-tus-ghaa-elai-hif-aiy-da-tool-la-zee-na Laa-yoe-may-noo-na-bil-aa-khay-ra-tay Wa-lay-yur-dzao-ho Wa-lay-yuq-ta-ray-foo-maa-hoom-mooq-ta-ray-foo-n
And for attracting to it the hearts of those who Do not believe in the Hereafter And for them to be pleased with it And for them to earn what they are earning.
- وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
- لِ — Lay — For (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; concerning; regarding; relative to; so that. A/t/a, ‘This We do so that,’ ‘in order that,’ ‘the result (of their so doing) is,’ ‘Allah does this’ and ‘(this is in order)’
- تَصۡغٰٓى — Tus-ghaa — Attracting (= v., pres., s., 3rd person. Bringing close; drawing near; pulling towards. A/t/a, ‘may be inclined,’ ‘are inclined,’ ‘be inclined,’ ‘may incline’ and ‘incline’)
- اِلَيۡ — Elai — To (= In the direction of; to; towards. A/t/a, this and the next word together as ‘thereto’)
- هِ — Hay … (if) — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. A/t/a, ‘it (- their guile),’ ‘these suggestions’ and ‘to such (deceit)’
- اَفۡـِٕـِٕدَةُ — Uf-aiy-da-to … (ol) — Hearts (= n., pl., Minds; souls; feelings in the hearts)
- ٱلَّذِينَ — Ul-la-zee-na — Those who (= pl., m, 3rd person. Refers to those articles, persons, or phenomenon or things in masculine gender)
- لَا — Laa — Do not (= Naught; neither; never; none; nor; not at all; absolute denial and total negation without exception)
- يُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ — Yoe-may-noo-na — They Believe (= v., pres., pl., 3rd person. Enter faith; follow the Holy Qor-aan, the Iss-laam and are Moslems. See Commentary Believe and Disbelieve. A/t/a, ‘ ‘have … faith’)
- بِ — Bay … (il) — With (= Literally the word بِ means with . A/t/a, ‘in’)
- الۡاٰخِرَةِ — Aa-khay-ra-tay — The Hereafter (= n., Judgment. Resurrection. Something ahead,’ coming, ending, in future, lasting, next, or succeeding. A/t/a, ‘the life to come’)
- وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ above)
- لِ — Lay — For (= For the object, person or purpose. See لِ above. A/t/a, ‘that’)
- يَرۡضَوۡ — Yur-dzao — They be pleased (= v., pres., pass., pl., 3rd person. Be happy and satisfied. A/t/a, ‘Delight in,’ ‘may be pleased,’ ‘may remain pleased,’ ‘be well pleased,’ ‘being pleased,’ ‘they may take pleasure in’ and ‘they take pleasure’)
- هُ — Ho — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid talks. A/t/a, ‘what they say,’ ‘therewith,’ ‘with it’ and ‘therein’)
- وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ above)
- لِ — Lay — For (= For the object, person or purpose. See لِ above. A/t/a, ‘that’)
- يَقۡتَرِفُوۡا — Yuq-ta-ray-foo — They earn (= v., pres., pl., 3rd person. Bring under control; muster; secure. A/t/a, ‘earn,’ ‘they may continue to earn,’ ‘they may experience,’ ‘they may commit,’ ‘they continue committing their (evil) deeds,’ ‘perpetrate’ and ‘persist’)
- مَا –Maa — What (= All that; what; whatsoever. A/t/a, ‘as’)
- هُمۡ — Hoom — They (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; their)
- مُّقۡتَرِفُوۡنَ — Mooq-ta-ray-foo-n — Earners (= n., pl., Those who control having earned, mustered or secured something. A/t/a, ‘earning,’ ‘they are earning,’ ‘they are going to perpetrate,’ ‘they are committing (all kinds of sins and evil deeds),’ ‘are doing,’ ‘sinful ways’ and ‘the consequences of their conduct’)
The Holy Qor-aan 006:113
وَكَذٰلِكَ جَعَلۡنَا لِكُلِّ نَبِىٍّ عَدُوًّا شَيٰطِيۡنَ الۡاِنۡسِ وَالۡجِنِّ يُوۡحِىۡ بَعۡضُهُمۡ اِلٰى بَعۡضٍ زُخۡرُفَ الۡقَوۡلِ غُرُوۡرًا ؕ وَلَوۡ شَآءَ رَبُّكَ مَا فَعَلُوۡهُ فَذَرۡهُمۡ وَمَا يَفۡتَرُوۡنَ
Wa ka-zaa-lay-ka ja-ul naa lay kool-lay na-be-yin Aa-do-woon sha-yaa-tee-na ul-in-say wa ul-jin-nay Yoo-he bau-dzo hoom aiy-laa bau-dzin Zookh-ro-fa ul-qao-lay gho-roo-raa Wa lao shaa-aa raub-bo ka maa fa-aa-loo ho Fa zaur hoom wa maa yauf-ta-roo-n
And this is how We made for every Prophet The Satanic men and jinn in enmity, Some of them reveal to others Gilded speech as an illusion. And if your God had willed, they would not have done it. So, leave them and what they are concocting.
Lure. Misleading. Sham. Trickery. Vanity with a superficial exterior and no reality deep down in the interior. See Note 003:186. A/t/a, ‘By way of deception,’ ‘to deceive them,’ ‘in order to deceive,’ ‘through guile,’ ‘to beguile (them),’ ‘gaudy,’ ‘falsehoods,’ ‘as a delusion (or by way of deception’ and ‘deception’)
** Note 006:113. The subject is the word شَيٰطِيۡنَ in the plural. So, its اسم صفت (adj) عَدُوًّا must also be in the plural. Translating the adj in the singular when the subject is in the plural is NOT right. The best translation is that they fight and war with the Creator and inimically and grudgingly sever connections between Him and His creature Mankind.