The last 10 soorahs

Islam came to benefit the whole mankind and the Holy Qor-aan delivered it. The Qor-aan was revealed to the Holy Prophet Mohammad s.a.w., verse by verse in 23 years. The revelations cumulatively were called Qor-aan by which name it has called itself many times. Some people recognized the Truth that was brought, embraced Islam and became the Believers. Moslems or believers regard themselves duty-bound to learn everything in, around and related to the Qor-aan and construe knowing, understanding and practicing its teachings of paramount importance.

Knowledge mostly travels easily and expeditiously on the shoulders of frequent reading. Naturally the Moslem scholars and teachers have laid a lot of emphasis on the reading of Holy Qor-aan. Each time the Holy Qor-aan is read, recited or reflected upon, it makes its message more and more clear to its reader. The word Qor-aan also means to be ‘read again and again’ – Read our essay The Holy Qor-aan – The Most Read Book In The World.

Later all the revelations were collected, compiled and collated in the form of one Book. The Holy Qor-aan has 114 chapters or Soorah. To facilitate the reading of it wholly, it has been divided in 30 parts or Sepaarah so that a person can read one part a day and complete the reading of the whole in a month. It is also divided in 7 manaazil so that a person can recite a Manzil a day and complete the recitation of the whole in a week – which is generally done by a Haafiz.

Endeavour to memorize the whole of the Qor-aan and become Haafiz-e-Qor-aan proved spiritually very beneficial. The feat was found easy to finish during childhood when it is easy to commit to memory and later hard to forget even under the pressures of adult life. Worldly benefits of the accomplishment also evolved very quickly. Almost every Haafiz was considered holy, regarded as a religious scholar, treated socially as a leader, and rewarded fiscally with always having a well-respected job in a mosque or school.

Man always finds a short-cut to everything he must do. Soon after the advent of Islam it was realized that memorizing the Qor-aan wholly was quite a daunting task and required years of hard work. An easier way was found all were encouraged to memorize, understand and practice at least the last 10 Soorah. The solution drew support from many quarters. Holy prophet s.a.w was reported to have recited the last six Soorah before falling off to sleep and going on a journey.

Academically, the last ten Soorah underscore many of the significant teachings of Islam.

  • Chapter 105:001 decries arrogance and pride and hails trusting God in all affairs.
  • Chapter 106:001 reminds of several blessings and encourages thanking God.
  • Chapter 107:001 urges humanism by looking after the less fortunate in society.
  • Chapter 108:001 highlights the lasting blessings that follow prayers and sacrifice.
  • Chapter 109:001 underscores no-compulsion in religion and respecting other faiths.
  • Chapter 110:001 emphasizes seeking forgiveness when large crowds enter the Faith.
  • Chapter 111:001 condemns grudging and animosity as non-compensable wrongs.
  • Chapter 112:001 urges the proclamation that Almighty God is One, the Only One.
  • Chapter 113:001 teaches prayer for protection against all evils in everyday life.
  • Chapter 114:001 teaches prayer for protection from evil whispers, thoughts, prompts
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