Abraham was not an Idolater

Abraham was not an idolater

The Holy Qor-aan established that Abraham was not an idolater (002:136, 003:068, 006:162) and repeated that differently – 006:079/080. It conferred the title of Best Exemplars on two prophets (Abraham p.o.h and Mohammed s.a.w) and one nation – Abraham’s followers – 060:005. It is the most authentic source to show how Abraham prayed, professed and practiced – 002:125 to 137.

Abraham thanked for his birth and guidance (026:079 and food and water – 026:080. God honored him specially (002:131) and raised prophets in his progeny – 019:059, 029:028.

Abraham prayed. He prayed for the acceptance of his prayers, sacrifices and services – 002:128, 014:040/041, 019:049. He prayed for his parents and the believers – 014:042. He prayed for his father – 019:048, 026:087. He prayed to get children – 037:100/101. He prayed for his children – 002:129/130, 014:036 to 041. He prayed for his town’s residents – 002:127, 014:036. He prayed for a cure when sick – 026:081. He prayed for a good legacy – 026:085. He prayed for forgiveness in the Hereafter – 026:082/083. He prayed for his admittance in the Paradise – 026:086. He prayed all the time and was forever inclined to God – 002:136, 006:162.

Abraham observed the natural elements, sky, sun and stars and concluded that he must worship their Creator – 006:076 to 079, 037:089. He saw the birds placed on four peaks flutter hurriedly to him on his call and saw how God quickens the dead back to life – 002:261.

Abraham finished the assigned tasks – 002:125. He convincingly countered argument that a human being controls life or death – 002:259. He argued with his nation who decided to burn him alive but Allah rescued him – 029:025. He demonstrated willingness to sacrifice his son until God stopped him – 037:103 to 108. He thus ended the custom of human sacrifice. .

Abraham honorably received guests (051:032), when they brought him the good news (029:032) and when they told him of his getting a Knowledgeable Son – 015:054, 051:029. He surprised his wife with the news of her bearing a son despite old age – 011:070 to 077, 051:030.

Abraham set up good precedents to follow – 002:126, 002:128, 006:162. He built God’s Home on Earth – 002:128, 022:027 to 030. He got Scriptures 087:020. He smashed statutes he could – 021:059 and opposed his father and nation worshiping idol – 006:075, 019:043 to 048, 021:053/058, 026:071/077, 029:017, 037:086/087. He turned his entire focus to God – 006:080.

As a whole-heartedly submissive person to God, at peace with His will and pleasure and bowing in total devotion, dedication, obedience, surrender and subservience, Abraham was مُسۡلِم which is a derivative of the root  س ل م . But to translate his pursuits as a Moslem, in Islam (a believer in the Holy Qor-aan after Islam had come) is not right for the following reasons.
a. It defies the divine word since Torah and Bible came after Abraham – 003:066.
b. It belies the statement that Abraham was not a Jew or Christian – 003:068.
c. It runs against the grains of God’s question decrying the aforesaid claim – 002:141.
d. It runs against the logical sequence of events that occurred several centuries apart. He was not a Jew, Christian or a Moslem because all these religions came long after him.

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